Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Law Society of Singapore vs Gopalan Nair, Whats happening!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In several blog posts here, I have written about Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore Law Society actions to have me disbarred for criticizing their judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean's shameless exhibition in Singapore High Court in May 2008 by deciding Lee's defamation case against Dr. Chee Soon Juan in Lee's favor in nothing more than a Stalinist show trial.

Even though the incident was way back in May 2008, up till now, nothing much has happened. I am still waiting for the matter to come to court after more than 2 years! I suspect the government now finds itself in a bind. The fact that Singapore's Law Society which is supposed to be independent is in fact an extension of the one party state government is already well known and these proceedings which were intended to intimidate me to keep me silent, is simply not happening.

What is more, internationally respected organizations such as the United Nations, Reporter Without Borders, Committee to Protect Journalists and numerous other organizations and state governments have taken an interest in my case, which Lee Kuan Yew knows is untenable, because in nowhere in the world can you discipline someone for something such as this. It would only be seen as repression of critics who dare challenge Lee's one party state.

With the recent imprisonment of Alan Shadrake which has attracted universal denunciation from the free world for punishing free speech, Lee Kuan Yew finds that going after me now is untimely, and a bad mistake. I think that is the reason why he has not ordered his Law Society to proceed just now.

Only a cowardly government would stoop to such cowardly tactics to try to preserve their fast diminishing credibility in the eyes of the world.

I can assure you the one party state apparatus is reading every word that is written here, as you have seen how fast they arrested me in Singapore for writing that fateful Belinda Ang Saw Ean blog post in May 2008.

My question to the Singapore Law Society is this. What are they afraid of now? If you feel that I should be disbarred do it now. Stop this playing hide and seek. Let me remind you that you are losing your credibility by the minute for having waited this long since May 2008. Any other respectable Law Society in the world would have proceeded against me within a month or at most 2 months. If you haven't already, you are going to lose all your credibility if you wait any longer.

If it helps you to speed these proceedings I will repeat what I said about your Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean in my May 2008 blog post which got me arrested here:

"The judge Belinda Ang was throughout prostituting herself during the entire proceedings, by being nothing more than an employee of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and his son and carrying out their orders".

The words "prostituting yourself" means someone who is in authority abusing her power for a dishonest or base purpose. This is what Belinda Ang Sew Ean was doing so shamefully that day in court. She was disgracing the office of a judge in public by publicly abusing the law to benefit herself and Lee Kuan Yew her master.

So perhaps since I have repeated the objectionable words again in this blog (even though I have done the same numerous times before), will the Singaporean Law Society and the Singapore one party state government who are reading this please proceed to have this case fixed in court for hearing without any further delay.

You have got yourself in this fix through your own actions. Now I am going to hold you to account.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.


  1. The Legal Profession Act has been amended since you departed Singapore so much so that you can be disbarred by means other than Disciplinary Proceedings. This can be done ex-parte without you knowing it on grounds of not having good standing. Good standing can be lost by you not paying your dues to the Singapore Law Academy of which Lee Kuan Yew is an Honorary Fellow.

    Lee Kuan Yew is ji bai boh lan jiao. He uses all these underhand and under cunt tactics to unilaterally remove your name from the roll of advocates and solicitors. Ask your mate to check if your name is still on the rolls and you will be shocked.

  2. M Fernandez to take legal action against LKY.

  3. LKY tortured his opponents. Shocking details here:

  4. Singaleaks

    Can some post the names of all ISD officers who were involved in torturing prisoners?

  5. Lee's hapless judicial kangaroos are clearly cursed with one lame leg apiece. This forces them to hop around in circles unable to decide what to do for fear of damaging their own careers by making Lee's govt look ever more silly with every passing day. What a farce! It does bring Wilde's contemptuous putdown to mind:

    The unspeakable (The Pathetic Law Society of Singapore) in pursuit of the uneatable (Nair).

    Heh, you're rubbing salt into an open wound, Gopalan, rubbing salt into the wound!

  6. they will not proceed as they do not want to give you free publicity.lky is a good tactician if nothing else.

  7. LKY is in a bind. Sect 82A of the Legal Professsion Act (Cap 161) specifically provides that that it is the Chief Justice who is the initiating authority for Legal Officers and advocates and solicitors who do not hold a current practising certificate at the time of the conduct complained of. But in your case the matter complained of devolves around the judiciary. So the rule of natural justice totally excluded the Chief Justice from having jurisdiction over this matter and cannot rule on your case. The Lawe Society of Singapore is not the proper intervening party. So this is the penumbra in the law that is holding up your issue.

    So you can go on and criticise the judiciary, you are untouchable qua non practising advocate and solicitor.

  8. Gopalan, you are really a pain in the arse for LKY and his cronies.

    Walter Woon is frustrated and thats why he returns to the academic world from his position as the Attorney-General. LKY must have given him a piece of his mind.

    Go say what you want of the judiciary Mr Gopalan, LKY cannot touch you. Forget about the papers coming from the Law Society of Singapore, they have none for they have no locus standi in the case against you, its the Chief Justice and he has to exclude himself from your case because of the rule against bias.

    Have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This is your best Christmas gift.

  9. To Anonymous of Dec 23, 0235,
    Thanks for the info but I don't have to rely on a techincality like that. The substance of these charges themseves cannot stand.

  10. M Fernandez is wasting his time with the Singapore judiciary. Do you think they will let him have his day? Fat hope. M Ravi forgot there is the Limitation Act. It will be thrown out before it comes to open court hearing.

    He should be in California like Gopalan and then sue the Singapore government under the Alien Tort Statute where the time bar is dubious.

  11. M Ravi should know by now that surely as equity depends on the length of the Chancellor's foot so is legality of torture in Singapore depends on the length of Lee Kuan Yew's penis.

    Furthermore, there is legal burden of proof and the issues of evidence. How to win against the Singapore government relying solely on M Fernandez testimony alone? LKY's cronies will have their own measure of preponderance of probability to ensure their security of tenure on the bench.

  12. To Anonymous Dec 24 0405,
    I don't think it is winning or losing that matters. The purpose is to drag this into the open once again exposing the injustice and abuse of the law. It is the same advantage in Shadrake's case and mine. The purpose is to discredit the Singapore government and their bullies making their government intenable.

    When we are through with our work, Lee Kuan Yew would be wondering what happened to his erstwhile one party state.

    If we are Lee's enemies, his greatest enemy is the Internet.

  13. Singapore has neither signed nor ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. How on earth they self-proclaimed to be a "first world oasis" in a third world region.

    Lan jiao to Lee Kuan Yew the Mafia of Singapore. Poor human rights record since 1959.

  14. It is timely at this Christmas time to revisit Operation Spectrum and remember those arrested and suffered the torture machinery of Lee Kuan Yew's Internal Security Department. Human memory is short but the internet allows us to recapture the events leading to that fateful day in 1987 when the so called Marxist plot was alleged by Lee Kuan Yew and his cronies.

    Upon reflection I believe it was a sinister plot by Lee Kuan Yew himself who hatched the theory to re-establish his grip on Singapore after having witnessed how the Catholic Church in the Philippines was instrumental in the downfall of President Marcos. Lee Kuan Yew is a Marxist himself.

    Quoting from Wikipaedia

    "Operation Spectrum was launched on May 21, 1987 by Singapore's Internal Security Department (ISD) using its Internal Security Act (ISA). A second wave of arrests took place on Jun 20 in the same year. The security operation saw 22 young Roman Catholic church and social activists and professionals detained, without trial, under the internal security law, accused of being members of a dangerous Marxist conspiracy bent on subverting the PAP-ruled government by force, and replacing it with a Marxist state.

    After they were released, several of the detainees issued a statement countering government denials that they had been tortured. They were promptly rearrested. They were later released only on condition that they sign statutory declarations denying everything they had said in their earlier press statement. An intrepid lawyer, former Solicitor General Francis Seow, stepped in to represent one of the detainees who had sought his legal assistance. When Seow arrived at the detention center, he himself was detained by the ISD and was not released for more than two months. He was later charged and convicted in absentia for tax evasion. Seow now lives in exile in the United States.

    Even until recently, the case of the alleged Marxist conspirators remains a puzzle. The detainees themselves did not fit the stereotype of the "agitators" whose activities were so troublesome to the PAP in the 1950s and 1960s. Inspired by the success of communist insurrection in China and Vietnam, the old guard leftists tended to be hot-headed, populist orators. The detainees, by contrast, consisted primarily of educated professionals. Indeed, the man accused of masterminding the plot was Vincent Cheng, a 40 year-old social worker for the Roman Catholic Church, who had once studied to be a priest. Another prominent target was lawyer Teo Soh Lung, a Workers' Party supporter who had tangled with prime minister Lee during parliamentary hearings on the Law Society in 1986. Other detainees included social workers, lawyers and actors."

    Francis Seow was an unwary victim having been arrested when seeing his client in the Internal Security Dept.

    Let this internet reveal the truth of those fateful events in Singapore with anonymity and propound truth so that truth shall prevail. We are no longer to be cowed by Lee Kuan Yew and his boh lan jiao tactics of scaremongering and rule by instilling fear.

    Let the Singaporean democracy spirit survive through the internet. Internet is real power in the search for truth. And let this truth be known right before the Marxist Lee Kuan Yew's coffin close.

    BY this Gopalan, your blog will have well served the cries of the tormented victims of Lee Kuan Yew and his iniquitous acts perpetrated through his Internal Security Department.

  15. Perhaps it is timely this Christmas to re-ignite one of Lee Kuan Yew's most hated topics and that is about the Marxist plot in the mid 80s. The truth must be known before his coffin close.

    In this internet we can revel in sharing the truth without fear or oppression from Lee Kuan Yew.

    Quoting from Wikipaedia to kick off

    "Operation Spectrum was launched on May 21, 1987 by Singapore's Internal Security Department (ISD) using its Internal Security Act (ISA). A second wave of arrests took place on Jun 20 in the same year. The security operation saw 22 young Roman Catholic church and social activists and professionals detained, without trial, under the internal security law, accused of being members of a dangerous Marxist conspiracy bent on subverting the PAP-ruled government by force, and replacing it with a Marxist state.

    After they were released, several of the detainees issued a statement countering government denials that they had been tortured. They were promptly rearrested. They were later released only on condition that they sign statutory declarations denying everything they had said in their earlier press statement. An intrepid lawyer, former Solicitor General Francis Seow, stepped in to represent one of the detainees who had sought his legal assistance. When Seow arrived at the detention center, he himself was detained by the ISD and was not released for more than two months. He was later charged and convicted in absentia for tax evasion. Seow now lives in exile in the United States.

    Even until recently, the case of the alleged Marxist conspirators remains a puzzle. The detainees themselves did not fit the stereotype of the "agitators" whose activities were so troublesome to the PAP in the 1950s and 1960s. Inspired by the success of communist insurrection in China and Vietnam, the old guard leftists tended to be hot-headed, populist orators. The detainees, by contrast, consisted primarily of educated professionals. Indeed, the man accused of masterminding the plot was Vincent Cheng, a 40 year-old social worker for the Roman Catholic Church, who had once studied to be a priest. Another prominent target was lawyer Teo Soh Lung, a Workers' Party supporter who had tangled with prime minister Lee during parliamentary hearings on the Law Society in 1986. Other detainees included social workers, lawyers and actors."

    Francis Seow was arrested at the Internal Security Dept and the treatment he underwent at the hands of his captors was not a humane one either.

    I believe Lee Kuan Yew was fearful of the Catholic Church at that time after seeing how the Church was instrumental in bringing down the Marcos regime in the Philippines.

    What he did was to consolidate his dictatorial rule and to threaten fear of solitary confinement in all the detainees.

    We are in search of truth of which truth shall prevail.

  16. The Law Society case against Gopalan Nair was actually a trap devised by the old lan chiao and his ball carriers to make GP return to Singapore so that he can
    be captured and tortured like the rest of LKY's enemies. GP made the right decision by not returning to
