Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lee Kuan Yew's Singaporeans. A thoroughly brainwashed people. Boring, submissive, servile and obedient.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singaporeans on the whole are a strange society of people. Compared to others in the world they would in fact appear weird.

In conversation, they wouldn't have any strong views about anything important, and even if they did, they would prefer to keep it private.

It is as if they have an intense desire to remain incognito. They would rather be in the woodwork than out of it.

It is as if an entire island full of people appear determined not to be noticed but rather remain hidden in the crowd.

They appear as if to prefer obscurity to publicity and actually look down at and consider foolish the handful of their fellow citizens who dare to publicly state who they are and what they believe.

Their entire lives are spent trying to impress their superiors.

It is their superiors who will decide their careers. By extension they make sure they please their ultimate masters, the Prime Minister and his government.

They never question their masters and by extension every other master along the line to their supreme masters the Prime Minister, his family and his government.

They fear, questioning their masters would not only retard their career prospects, it may even get you sued for defamation or even arrested. Not worth challenging their masters. Much better to agree, even if you disagree, to save your future.

One reason why the average Singaporeans is so obedient is because he is afraid of his own shadow. You never know who is watching you and who may be reporting your behavior.

The vast intelligence network of the Prime Minister, the ISD, is everywhere. They know it.

Anyone expressing independent views and thoughts may end up left behind. Punished. Demoted. Stripped of his livelihood, his assets.

Why take the risk. Better to do as you are told and please your bosses and the city state's rulers.

This fear and the need to be silent and hidden rather than in the open stunts innovation, and enterprise.

If you are only capable of following, you will never have novel ideas. Singapore can never produce a Bill Gates, only Yorkshire Terriers. Like obedient dogs waiting for the master's orders to jump.

Singaporeans were not so boring naturally.

They are the product of 50 years of behavior training by the present Prime Minister's father Lee Kuan Yew.

Lee Kuan Yew was unfortunately far too smart for anyone, at least that was what he thought.

He felt a suppliant submissive society is what he needs to create his miracle island.

And he went about creating it with gusto.

Teachers were told to discipline their students if they showed any thinking different from the party line.

Civil servants were told to carry out the ruling party's orders, favor ruling party supporters and disadvantage anyone with independent ideas.

Workers were ordered to support the ruling party and condemn any opposition. This resulted in job promotions and advancement.

Judges who ran their Kangaroo Courts routinely punished anyone who criticized while government supporters breezed their way to the top.

All this behavior training was sufficient in the island to produce the most afraid, most obedient, most submissive society anywhere outside North Korea.

Lee Kuan Yew and his son and their ruling PAP party have successfully and irretrievably destroyed the minds of the average Singaporean and literally made him a dummy incapable of even a single independent thought.

This sort of a society may provide stability and a forced peace upon the land.

But it will not produce a spontaneous independent thinking innovative and enterprising society. It does not produce rational thinking human beings. It produces Labradors.

As a result in todays' competitive world, Singapore island economy would be completely left behind those in other countries who are not afraid to think or to offend their Prime Minister.

You can see what I have said by how they live. They appear to have lost all ability for normal reasoning. Take these examples.

By law they are not allowed to even peacefully protest, assemble or demonstrate except at a secluded location where no one ever goes called Hong Lim Park. This prohibition is nonsensical. Yet no Singaporeans is prepared to protest the rule, not one, where any human anywhere else would have done it without batting an eyelid.

By law, they are entitled to a free press. Yet the Prime Minister has hijacked and controlled the entire press. Yet no Singaporean dares to protest this abuse while anyone anywhere else would have been up in arms throughout the island to change it.

The Malays, who by the way are the original natives of the island have a much greater right to the place than anyone else.

Yet they are relegated to the most menial of jobs and are not allowed to even do national service in the army or even handle firearms.

They are all confined to the SCDC, civil defense force whose job is just to put out fires. Yet they simply accept this without complaint, whereas any other red blooded Malay anywhere else would have run amok and burnt the entire island down including the Prime Minister.

The Internet including this blog Singapore Dissident is full of anti PAP critics. Yet not a single once is prepared to give a name to what he has written and remains anonymous, whereas any person any where else would not only write but would be proud to put his name to it.

Lee Kuan Yew made sure that democratic representative institutions never took root in the island; while his lapdog citizens on their part took no attempt to change things either.

The average Singaporean is totally ignorant of parliamentary democracy or what it means. He is afraid of the government and keeps his ideas to himself. He is afraid of the courts because they could punish him anytime for whatever reason. He is afraid of the police because he believes they have a right to do anything to him.

In the end, the Singaporean is a person who appears to speak English, or a terrible Singaporean form of it, who can write and read English but who does not know anything about his rights because he believes he has none.

This submissive mindless obedience destroys the mind.

Children are brainwashed this way into being dummies, incapable of independent thought.

The longer they live in the Singapore, the more dumb they get.

Many Singapore students leave the island for the West in their early 20s after they have finished national service.

It is too late for them to move to the West. Their minds have already been destroyed.

They cannot compete with the independent thinking confident young men and women in America or the West. As a result most of them end up living the way they did in Singapore, boring uneventful obscure lives.

This sort of mindset always results in failure in the West. They cannot think and neither are they confident.

They suffer from an inferiority complex thinking that only Lee Kuan Yew or his Son have any ability and they have none.

If you want your child to be saved from Lee's brainwashing, you have to take your child out when he is little. Coming to the West in your 20s is useless. You might as well stay behind in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore and please him as a condition to life. Disgraceful but necessary in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.

Gopalan Nair
Attorney at Law
A Singaporean in Exile
Fremont California USA
Tel: 510 491 8525


  1. Well said, Mr Gopalan.

    Entirely true.

  2. A very frank and accurate description of the contemporary Singaporeans.
    Thank You Mr. Gopalan Nair. Well done !.

    1. Just as what I was thinking. As a student studying at a local junior college, I am appalled by the lack of creativity, innovation or temerity to challenge what standards that the education system and society has imposed among my fellow schoolmates. Any attempt to question well established thinking is regarded as 'dangerous' and is demonised by a majority of Singaporeans. It is almost as though that we have been coerced not to air our views for fear of facing public scrutiny and defamation. They say education is supposed to be the key to knowledge and understanding the world; here, it is a means of indoctrinating generation after generation of obedient sheep that do not pose any major opposition to the political establishment. Throw in an unhealthy dose of political correctness and we end up with individuals that do not dare to speak their mind and are only keen on satisfying their superiors and the state.
      Nonetheless, these are just my personal views and I hope that the government, or my fellow countrymen will not take this post too personally. After all, we are entitled to free speech, no?

  3. "The longer they live in the Singapore, the more dumb they get.
    Many Singapore students leave the island for the West in their early 20s after they have finished national service. It is too late for them to move to the West. Their minds have already been destroyed."

    So, by YOUR logic, you are the MOST dumb, since you left long after school, law qualification etc AND had a career in Singapore. Your mind is also 100% destroyed, per YOUR logic, or do you have different standards for yourself?

  4. With the Internet, the media world has changed.

    Bloggers like you and others are getting to the PAP bootlickers, who without the PAP in power, fear economic ruin and perhaps, retribution.

    Keep up the good work.

    Example below of what can happen to a condescending PAP bootlicker.

    ... netizens have also noticed one particularly rude lady in the audience, dressed in a white cheongsam, who kept trying to stop the 76 year old aunty from talking and was motioning to organisers to remove her from the microphone. In the video, she can be seen gesturing at 5:33, shaking her head and moving her hands as if the outspoken lady is mad.

    You can see a photo of her with LKY.

  5. What Singaporeans are doing to PAP bootlickers.
    Watch and enjoy.

    Opposition member, Kenneth Jeyaretnam, was at the [CPF] dialogue session yesterday. According to Kenneth, the cheongsam lady [Jean Ang Yee Mei Lin] is a grassroots leader.

    In fact, Kenneth complained that the cheongsam lady and her friends disrupted him with laughter when he spoke

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So, by YOUR logic, you are the MOST dumb, since you left long after school, law qualification etc AND had a career in Singapore. Your mind is also 100% destroyed, per YOUR logic, or do you have different standards for yourself?

    Let's see. Gopalan lives in the USA with all of his CPF money.

    You live in Singapore with little hope of seeing your CPF money. Everyday you must prostrate to LKY and his son.

    I think I know who the dumb person is between Nair and you.

    Confucian idiot.

  7. To the last Anonymous: You make assumptions based on presumptions and fire vitriol,so childish!

    Did he say he was from Singapore? Did he say he had CPF money in Singapore? How do you know he is not in the west or a non-Singaporean? How do you know he "prostrates to LKY" every day or whatever? Is everyone who criticizes Gopalan a Singaporean in Singapore? How do you know he is Chinese, let alone "Confucian?" My my, so many assumptions and then you preume he is a Singaporean LKY/PAP supporter and berate him/her!!! What idiocy!!!

    He merely quotes Gopalan's diatribe against ALL sinagporerans who emigrate to the west later in theior adulthood, something GOPALAN HIMSELF HAS DONE. By that logic, Gopalan includes HIMSELF. makes sense to me

    DO YOU UNDERSTAND?, Try yo argue logically instead of hurling insults. You seem to have limited brainpower or a lack of reading comprehension...

  8. Your anger is diffusing out from your words. Your one-sided perspective is seriously making no sense, although you might be asserting your point of view. And it is no difference of you to sound like some government we know, who makes the people feel small, minute, meaningless.

    Thank you for adding salt to the wounds of the many Singaporeans who, do not wish, or do not have the criteria/condition to simply move out of this country.

    This article you wrote totally earns no respect, coming from a background as a lawyer.

  9. Sonia said...
    This article you wrote totally earns no respect, coming from a background as a lawyer.


    Typical Asian/Singaporean. All they care about is 'face' and respect.
    And now, CPF, which they have no hope of ever getting at, even though it is their own money.

    >Sonia said, "Thank you for adding salt to the wounds of the many Singaporeans who, do not wish, or do not have the criteria/condition to simply move out of this country."

    But they are the masters of complaining. Happy to have JBJ, Dr Chee, Roy and others fight their battles for them. Kiasu and selfish idiots.

    Let Nair spout his views. Instead of berating him for his courage (or stupidity?), come out and state yours.

    Start a blog. There are online guides as to how to proceed :)

  10. Anonymous said...
    Your mind is also 100% destroyed, per YOUR logic, or do you have different standards for yourself?
    At least Gopalan Nair had the courage to stand up to the LKY-bullies while in Singapore, smart enough to flee the shithole when necessary, and willing to continue his fight against the dictator from abroad.

    His style may be rough at times, but unlike the many cowards he left behind in Singapore, at least he can hold his head up high.

    Anonymous, why don't you tell us about your political activism in Singapore.
    Or are you a scholar bonded to serving LKY and frustrated that you can't leave for a job at Google.
    Speaking of Google, did you know that scholarship-winning LKY's grandson was allowed to work at Google instead of serving his bond. Special people. Special family.

  11. "... why don't you tell us about your political activism in Singapore. Or are you a scholar bonded to serving LKY and frustrated that you can't leave for a job at Google..."

    Again, more presumptions based on assumptions and then attacking based on it. The other poster never implied anything about being a "scholar" or "wanting to work for Google" or forced into "serving LKY" etc. Yet, you pull these things out of thin air and use personal attacks based on your assumptions. Interesting...

    Based on your logic, YOU ARE A FRUSTRATED person who tried, but is UNABLE to become one of the favoured PAP scholars and in your rage, are attacking people YOU THINK fit that category. Hey if you can assume things without knowing or without evidence, so can others right? So, that is what you are, again, I am basing things on presumptions and assumptions, just like you, LOL! What is good for others is good for your too right?

  12. Famous past President's Scholars include
    Lee Hsien Loong (LKY's #1 son),
    Lee Hsien Yang (LKY's #2 son),
    Lee Wei Ling (LKY's daughter),
    Ho Ching (Married to LKY's #1 son, and CEO of Temesaek, where she has lost over $50 Billion dollars of CPF money).

    Ah! To be a scholar in Singapore and to get access to all this wealth. When I grow up I want to be a Scholar serving/servicing LKY.

  13. The majority of Singaporeans will look at characters such as Chee or Ngerng in disdain. They did wrong. They were radical. They were illogical, ill-advised, irrational, tactless.... Most importantly, they offended the wrong guy so thus, they would be destroyed and rightly so.

    The same goes for you, Gopalan. Don't expect any gratitude from Singaporeans.
    And be very wary of Singaporeans bearing gifts.

  14. I think your description fits this PAP supporter.

    Ng Chun Yi, "CPF Money does not entirely belong to us because the interest earned is from the government. In addition, the employer's contribution is from our employer, and not from us."

    So, since your bank pays you interest on your money, according to Ng Chun Yi's logic, the money belongs to the bank.

    Writing about due process, human rights, free speech, The constitution etc is wasted on these types of morons, 60%+ of who will vote the PAP back in 2016.

  15. To Anonymous who said

    "The same goes for you, Gopalan. Don't expect any gratitude from Singaporeans.
    And be very wary of Singaporeans bearing gifts"

    I am sure Chee or Ngerng is not doing what they do because of any hope of appreciation from anyone. And so with me.

    We do what we do because it is the simply the right thing to do.

    But thanks for the warning anyway.

  16. Kenneth Jeyaratnam
    "It was disappointing to hear one participant, a retiree, say that if the government solved the CPF problem and returned his money to him at 55 he would definitely be on the side of the government."

    "It seems that generation is not going to be shaken in their loyalty to the PAP, yet. They want a nicer PAP, a PAP that listens and a PAP that gives them their money back but they still want the PAP."

    Straits Times Headline after 2016 election, "LHL and PAP returned to power". Opposition failed to persuade voters of the need for change"

  17. Kenneth Jeyaratnam
    "It was disappointing to hear one participant, a retiree, say that if the government solved the CPF problem and returned his money to him at 55 he would definitely be on the side of the government."

    "It seems that generation is not going to be shaken in their loyalty to the PAP, yet. They want a nicer PAP, a PAP that listens and a PAP that gives them their money back but they still want the PAP."

    Straits Times Headline after 2016 election, "LHL and PAP returned to power". Opposition failed to persuade voters of the need for change"

  18. Must not always be fun to live in a country where all people are full of fear and always submissive and obedient, as they always fear punishment. Thats not real freedom. And phisycal, corporal punishment is a shame also in the 21st century and should be abolished.

  19. Fully agreed with you! I am wasting my time at sungei gadong camp now waiting for dismissal and I don't see how can it mould me into someone that is successful in life. I have my direction in life and I know where I wanna go in 5 years or even 10 years time. I just finished my slipped disc operation and I thought I will have easier life but they don't give a damn, they just want someone to fill up their duty space.

    I was feeling so demoralized and I thought maybe if i google around, I can find something that is "positive" about national service. Such as responsibility etc. But after spending some time on google, it seemed like it's a BS.People are trying to make themselves feel better by saying the positive things which it doesn't really exists. It exists outside as well.

  20. I was told that all decisions made in court are only and always made in favour of LKY and his family. So that the judges are finally only the extension of the hands and arms of the rulers of Singapore. Does anyone know, how much money the Yew family owns in Sing- Dollar? I mean just an approximation to have an idea.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know, how much money the Yew family owns in Sing- Dollar?

    The Lee family's wealth is estimated to be $32 billion dollars.

    Death duties were abolished in Singapore just before the passing of LKY's wife so that the familee would not have to disclose their wealth.

    People might ask how a public servant was able to amass this amount of wealth.

  22. There are in fact some similarities to North Korea...

  23. Singaporeans can only work to textbook SOP. Anything out of wack and they are lost. That is why foreign talents are able to do well in Singapore, esp whose who can think out of the box.

  24. It might sound funny, but when I see tourists from Singapore in my place, I can easily distinguish them from all other asian nations and nationalities. So I guess in a certain way Mr.Gopalan Nair can be right..

  25. no logic in singapore. our education system already tune me into a logical person. but funnily there is no logic. i wonder is those people working in civil service or stat board singaporean. or are they having blue ic like the ntuc lady. malay have wedding is like that and she can be dumb till like that. so i follow what education system teach me. also wrong. weird.

  26. Thank you for showing us what LHl has been doing

  27. > Yet they are relegated to the most menial of jobs and are not allowed to even do national service in the army or even handle firearms.

    You say Malays are relegated to the most menial of jobs and not allowed to do NS in the army. My dad is Malay and served in the army and he certainly does not perform a menial job. Same goes with my cousins also Malay. All officers. Many Malay friends across army, coast guard and yes even civil defense. Of the 8-10 Malay friends from JC, only one went to civil defense. There was even one assigned to air force.

    Sounds like your fact checking is non-existent.

    You want to blame the Singapore government for indigenous people not being as successful? What about the aborigines in Australia? Maoris in NZ? Native Americans? All have some successful individuals but also the general stigma that their race as a whole scrapes by on menial jobs.

    Let's see if the blog author in all his free speech bluster will approve my comment. It of course pokes holes in his righteous indignation.

    1. Perfect example of a brainwashed citizen. Getting screwed in forms of housing transportation and stagnant pay and yet still carry ball. You sir, need a standing ovation.

  28. A few from an expatriate Australian who worked in Singapore for the last five years.

    I worked as a teacher in an international school teaching Secondary students. I found it it extremely hard to make friends in Singapore. One time I was told by a Singaporean (directly to my face)," I should go home to my own country and, if I have a backbone, never come back to Singapore".

    The next day I went to work and informed my Principal that I will not be renewing my contract for another year. I then bought my air ticket and headed off home.

    I feel Singapore "let me down". I have never been so lonely and humiliated in my entire life in Singapore. I found the people very unfriendly and very self centred.

    Therefore, I will never be returning to Singapore. Mr. Nair is correct here.
