Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Tale of Two Cities. Hong Kong Chinese, proud, courageous, jealously guard their freedom. Singapore Chinese, cowards, suppliant, submissive, servile and supine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • People pass out food and drink at a pro-democracy protest on Nathan Road, a major route through the heart of the Kowloon district of Hong Kong, on Sept29, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP
  • A woman holds a protest sign at a pro-democracy protest on Nathan Road, a major route through the heart of the Kowloon district of Hong Kong, on Sept 29, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP
  • People sit next to an abandoned bus at a pro-democracy protest on Nathan Road, a major route through the heart of the Kowloon district of Hong Kong, on Sept 29, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP
  • Nathan Road, a major route through the heart of the Kowloon district of Hong Kong, is seen empty of traffic as pro-democracy protesters gather on Sept 29, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP
  • Volunteers wetting towels in preparation for tear gas or pepper spray. -- ST PHOTO: LI XUEYING
  • The growing crowd in Admiralty at 3pm. -- ST PHOTO: LI XUEYING
  • Police taking a break. -- ST PHOTO: LI XUEYING
  • A bus marooned. -- ST PHOTO: LI XUEYING

    1. When PAPman walk past, the Singapore coward will automatically retreat to his or her deluxe little cage prison and shiver in fear over job, money and harmony.

    2. What about Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui? Do they categorised them as cowards, suppliant, submissive, servile and supine, Mr Nair? They are fighting for the majority who dared not to protest. Are they fools or true patriots?

    3. Well it is much easier to get rid of the Lee despots members than the Beijing despot huge weights...I'm pretty sure that the Lee will run out (like Ben Ali in Tunisia) after a few weeks of protest in SG...the pb is that SG people are not ready at all to sacrifice their lives for liberty...they still like more the illusion of wealth and the death of the soul that does have submission to the devil Lee....they are so depressed that they don't make children anymore, it is a country that disappears slowly by itself , that don't want to leave anymore for the future...very depressing


    4. Anonymous Anonymous said...

      What about Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui?

      In HK there are thousands of RH and HHH. Only 2 in SG. Other like to watch or become keyboard warriors.

    5. SG people are brainwhased.....so sad for them....they have not damn clue about freedom. Their think that wealth is a goo way to live, what a poor materialist approach.
      Each country deserves what is has...SG people don't fight for freedom so they don't have freedom.

    6. The author’s diatribes about Singapore are always full of exaggerations
      and inaccuracies. For example,
      “The people of Singapore ….. ethnic Chinese, the majority of them being brought into the island recently in Lee Kuan Yew's …”
      It is not true that the majority of ethnic Chinese Singaporean are new immigrants. Actually majority of them were born in Singapore.
      Perhaps he is referring to Indians in Singapore (a minority), among these, the majority are not native born (i.e., fresh from India).

    7. anon, Sat Oct 04, 08:07:00 PM PDT,

      Do you understand english ?

      " The people of Singapore just like in Hong Kong are predominantly ethnic Chinese, the majority of them being brought into the island recently in Lee Kuan Yew's ethnic cleansing program to ensure the vast majority remain that race and no other. "

      If you don't understand english, at least read what the sentence carefully. What the author said that the a large number of chinese from other countries come to singapore -->>>RECENTLY<<<--- and become majority race ...

      do you know what is "recently" ?

      And beside , how you know that the author is exaggerating ? Any figure to show that he is exaggerating ? Or maybe you are PM Lee or related cronies who know the figure ?


    8. " The people of Singapore … are predominantly ethnic Chinese, the majority of them (ethnic Chinese in Singapore) being brought into the island recently (after 1990s?)

      According to the statistics, over 29% of Singapore’s population comprises “non-residents” ; the statistics show that foreigners account for nearly 40% of Singapore’s total population.

    9. Some of us just don't agree with you about the need to protest. Aljunied GRC was won by a party you used to contest under. Perhaps it was just you, not the opposition parties, which had been lacking.

      And would be extremely pissed with our government if they failed, like the Hong Kong government, to disperse the crowed who have been causing inconvenience to our daily lives.
