Monday, November 3, 2014

Video. Tiny Singapore's uncertain future after 91 year old strongman Lee Kuan Yew

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My video "Tiny Singapore's uncertain future after 91 year old strongman Lee Kuan Yew"

Gopalan Nair
Attorney at Law
A Singaporean in Exile
Fremont, California, USA
Tel: 510 491 8525


  1. Now you need to get on Twitter.

  2. If you want to understand LKY and his PAP mafia, just watch the Godfather movies.

    Uncanny similarities.

  3. The Godfather pays himself $16000 a month and more.

    To understand how pathetic Singaporeans are read all the comments from Confucians praising the Godfather.

    1. Adolf Hitler could not believe his luck when he said thus:

      "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."

      Like Lee, Hitler was loved by his people. It is only after a nation has gone to the dogs and the political party has perished that the people realise for a moment.

      At that point calling Lee a great leader or founding father will be met with derision. Can you find a single person that would claim Hitler to be a great leader today? Yet his economic and unemployment policies were a success in his days.

    2. Adolf Hitler could not believe his luck when he said thus:

      "What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."

      Like Lee, Hitler was loved by his people. It is only after a nation has gone to the dogs and the political party has perished that the people realise for a moment.

      At that point calling Lee a great leader or founding father will be met with derision. Can you find a single person that would claim Hitler to be a great leader today? Yet his economic and unemployment policies were a success in his days.

  4. Roy Ngerng is the kind of activist that Singaporeans should be proud off. But the son of Lee Kuan Yew again prove that he is not his own man by using his father's high handed tactics to bring down this good citizen.

    You express freedom responsibly if you put your name and reputation to what you say. However, if the contents of what you say incite hatred or defame others without proof, then you will have to account for the consequences. But Roy has time and again tried to show what happened to the CPF and is trying to pin accountability to someone who is in a position and the authority to know what is going on and defend himself.

    So in what is again a lost chance to let people trust him, the son of Lee Kuan Yew decided that he has no idea how to be a people elected politican and use his father way to silence the good citizen. He should have win the peoples trust by defending and showing transparency. But the opacity continues and a wayang was staged, very much like a corrupt Malaysian PM shows.

    Is there still a good future for Singapore when the future is restricted up by a out of touch puppet emperor with no clothes.

  5. did Nair said in the video that S'pore "does not have a Constitution"?

    Here is the news:
    The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore took effect on 9 August 1965; is derived from the Constitution of the State of Singapore 1963.

  6. To Anonymous who said

    "did Nair said in the video that S'pore "does not have a Constitution"?"

    Yes but it is not worth the paper it is written on. No better than toilet paper. Every single right in it is broken at the whim and fancy of the Big Boy and his Son. What stupid constitution is that? A stupid constitution for a stupid country.

    1. SG is like a family business. The Chinese have a famous saying - the wealth does not last more than 3 generations.

      We are already on to the 2nd generation and the country should it limp on to the 3rd generation likely Chan Chun Sing, is not going to last.

      The warning signs of inevitability are all there. Hugh dependence and influx on foreigners to maintain the economy, worsening income gap, professionals in the late 30s and 40s unemployed or underemployed, no retirement funds as it's all tied up in bricks and cement and an outdated education system that grinds out unthinking and unfeeling robots. Last but not least a democratic regime that is actually a lot closer to north Korea despite the propaganda. Did I mention press freedom?

      Singapore will simply go the way of the Mayans or the Greeks or even Venice during the ottoman empire. We will simply cease to exist as a nation. It is simply depressing.
