Attached below is a comment which I received in my earlier blog. It hits the Singapore nail on it's head. I don't think I could have said it better than him
Gopalan Nair
Fremont, CA, USA

He started well but within just a few years, got intoxicated and consumed by power. He started throwing his weight around. He brook no dissent from anyone.
Those who did not nor would not surrender their beliefs, principles, morals or kneel or bow before him were, along with their innocent families, systematically destroyed.
The old fool would regularly thump his chicken breast to brag about his abilities to "demolish" anyone and everyone using his impressive array of sharp "hatchets", "knuckledusters" and a host of personal weaponry.
His abilities to break heads and bones were legendary.
In reality though, all these were not too difficult for him since he did not fight his own fights. He was too much of a dirty coward to do so. Instead, he relied on a corrupt army of attack and running dogs to fight his personal battles. He never entered a fight without first having all his running and attack dogs lined up behind him. All ever ready to sell their soul and to do his bidding for the scraps that he tossed out to them. If they were not lined up behind him, this big, brave, fearless legend would swiftly flee in fear, his quivering tail firmly tucked between his hind legs, for the safety of Cameron Highlands.
This once fearsome thug is now laughably reduced to wearing pampers and is now unable to walk without an aide by his side, waiting to catch him should he fall and break his ageing, brittle bones.
The "legacy" that he leaves behind is that of an effete society comprising a fearful, enfeebled people. It is that of a people whose emasculation over decades of his iron fist rule has left them either reluctant or unable to cope with the vagaries of life and who now hate him for what he has done to them and to their country.
The experiment that is Singapore could have been a success had this old fool not been so intoxicated and consumed with power. The experiment that is Singapore could have been a success had his personal troika of ISD attack dogs, 147th running dogs and prostitute press and his corrupt judicial kangaroos not surrender their personal morals and ethics to do his biddings.
Was it all worth it, Lee Kuan Yew? To be confined to the footnote of history as being nothing more than an insignificant, little tinpot tyrant of a small island in SEA? To lose the respect of the young (and even the old) who hold you in undisguised hatred, outright disgust and sneering contempt instead of in awe and respect?
The best of your son's propaganda after your passing will not restore that which you so crave for. That legacy of being "Bapak Singapura", the "Father of Singapore". Instead, you, your offsprings and their offsprings will be continue to be hated, despised and you will continue to be cursed and held in contempt.
Goodbye and good luck with his funeral.