Immediately after the case of the teens who wrote "Fuck you PAP" "Wake up SG" 'Singapore government cannot give freedom" this week followed by the case of Roy Ngerng who accused Singapore Prime Minister of misusing public money, Singapore's Sunday Times of May 25, 2014 reports "Vandalism of 6 bus stops in Clarke key under probe".
One of the bus stops in the Clarke Quay area that were vandalized. The police confirmed that a report was lodged early last Friday. It is understood that LTA contractors were dispatched by mid-afternoon to clean up the affected areas. -- PHOTO: TNP
The anti-government slogan writers in this case wrote on at least 6 separate bus stops slogans in solidarity with the blogger Roy Nagerng who is being sued at present by the Prime Minister for his routine defamation lawsuit trick to silence his people.
The Prime Minister is now in a hole. He has threatened to sue unless Ngerng submitted to all his demands.
Now with this new case of even further anti government slogans he is going to look very small if he decided to be lenient to Roy Ngerng. People would mistake it for weakness. On the other hand if Lee's son, the Singaporean dictator, came down hard, it is going to enflame even more Singaporeans with this blatant raw repression.
Lee is now gone, he is finished. Even more people are going to write anti government slogans on walls. Even more are going to openly criticize in blogs.
I now ask Singaporeans who love their country to do the same. Write anti government graffiti. Write anti government blogs. Wear anti government T-shirts. Carry out anti government protests. Engage in anti government demonstrations.
Lee Kuan Yew's son is now lost. He has run out of ideas faced with increasing dissent. He only knows how to do what his father did, which is to trample on his people and use even more violence and force. It will not work if too many people are against him. I say to Singaporeans, stand up now. Now is the time.
Gopalan Nair
Attorney at Law
A Singaporean in Exile
Fremont, California USA
Tel: 510 491 8525
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