Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In a report in Singapore's state controlled newspaper the Straits Times of Feb 24, 2009, " The worst insult possible", judge Judith Prakash says John Tan Liang Joo, Isrizal Mohamed Isa and Muhammad Shafi'ie Syahmi Sariman had insulted the court by wearing T shirts emblazoned with the image of a kangaroo in judicial robes. In fact, there was no insult to the Singapore courts at all.
If there was an insult, if at all, it was to the kangaroo itself, who had no desire to be wearing any clothes at all, happy to be hopping around in its natural coat and who would have taken umbrage for being depicted wearing clothes, let alone a judges judicial robes.
This Singapore judge Judith Prakash has completely abused the law obviously to terrorize Singaporeans into not criticizing the Singapore judiciary, to please Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore strongman who cannot stand any criticism, either of his corrupt courts or his dictatorial government. She has delivered a 11 page judgement in which she lays out the reasons, totally unreasonable, why in her opinion "the defendants had presented the worst form of insult possible against the court system". She is totally wrong. And what is worse, she is not wrong through ignorance. She is deliberately abusing her position to further Lee Kuan Yew's political ends. That is what makes it disgusting.
In a contempt case, it is the act or words that matter, not the intentions of the defendant. And the act or words taken on its own has to show an undeniable nexus to the offense. That is, the act itself must be clearly contemptuous. It cannot be open to multiple interpretations.
In this case, the defendants were seen to be wearing these T shirts outside the confines of Judge Belinda Ang Swa Ean's court on May 27, 2008 when she was herself shamelessly abusing the law to favor Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew against his victim, Dr. Chee Soon Juan. Mind you, this is important. They were not wearing it within her court. They had it on outside. How then can be be clearly proven that their intention was to show disrespect to her court when they were not even within it.
The T shirts had an image of a kangaroo in judicial robes. How then can it be undeniably shown by this act alone, that this was a contempt of Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean's court? The defendants might have found the T shirts amusing and funny. It could have been a picture of a dog in judges robes. A cat or any other animal. Since the defendants intentions are immaterial, how can one say undeniably that anyone looking at it would come to the only conclusion that this judge claims people will have; that they were insulting the courts!
What if instead of the image of kangaroos, the defendants had worn the iconical image of the The Blindfolded Lady of Justice holding the scales with tears from her eyes? Would this be contempt because judge Judith Prakash would assume that anyone looking at it would assume there was no justice in Singapore, since the blindfolded lady is weeping? Would such a T shirt result in imprisonment as well.
Lee Kuan Yew's corrupt policeman Assistant Superintendent Abdul Razak Zakaria was the investigating officer in this case. At the behest of Lee Kuan Yew's minions, he arrested these 3 men and took long detailed statements from them which were read in court. This as you can see was completely wrong, but in Singapore they can do anything they want. The law is systematically denigrated for Lee Kuan Yew's political ends, and which today is no law at all.
As I say, in a contempt case, the intentions of the defendants are totally irrelevant. It is the act itself that matters. And by reading these statements in court, this judge used the intentions of the defendants to connect their actions to the offense of contempt. This policeman should never have done that. And this judge should never had entertained any statements of the defendants. In this manner the rights of the 3 men, citizens of Singapore, was completely denied.
Even without going into the issue of freedom of speech, the act alone of these men, did not amount to any contempt of anyone, except as I have said, perhaps against the Australian marsupial.
The Singapore Constitution guarantees freedom of expression. And imprisoning someone wearing T shirts with the picture of a kangaroo in judge's robes is a clear violation of that right. What Lee Kuan Yew and his compliant judges such as this woman are saying is this. They can abuse the law as much as they want. They can find against Dr. Chee in favor of Lee Kuan Yew without any just cause, as many times as they want. They can abuse the rights of the late JB Jeyaretnam. They can bankrupt Tang Liang Hong merely for having the temerity for standing for elections. They can beat up Francis Seow in detention for the same reason. But yet no one is entitled to criticize, under pain of being prosecuted for contempt of court. What fairness is there in such a system?
In the report she is supposed to have said that they "showed a wilful and stubborn contempt for the integrity of the courts". Where in heavens did she get that idea? How can merely wearing such T shirts show any such thing, let alone "wilful" and "stubborn". Where did the willfulness and stubbornness come in?
She says "It was designed to degrade the administration of justice", "was a serious and scurrilous insult that struck at the foundation", "the message that justice cannot be obtained", "that a reasonable person would conclude.................... cast aspersions on the justice system here". One can only wonder how she managed to come up with all these conclusions, obviously only with a vivid imagination which has run wild!
But she was very candid about her dishonesty, in part of what she said which is this. And I quote it in full: "It is imperative that a clear message be sent to potential contemnors that such attacks on the judiciary are not acceptable". Yes, the main purpose of this trial was not to seek justice, it was to send a clear message to other Singaporeans that they have no right to criticize the Singapore courts or Lee Kuan Yew or his government, and if they did they would be sent to jail, no matter how unjust the courts are. True. Very true.
That is why the state controlled newspapers of Singapore gave a minor case such as this, (which in any other democracy would not have been mentioned at all) such great prominence, splashing it across the main pages in headline news, in great detail, with pictures of these men prominently displayed. Truly, it was a clear message, an unmistakably clear message that no one has the right to criticize the Singapore judiciary regardless of how much injustice they perpetrate.
This woman, Judge Judith Prakash in this case has not only deliberately, shamelessly and with open eyes, done an injustice to these 3 defendants. She has done an injustice to Singapore. She has knocked another nail into the coffin of the Singapore legal system, reducing it bit by it, to a mere set of rules put in place to ensure that Lee Kuan Yew and his government will continue to rule without opposition. Singapore's reliance on the principle of stare decisis, as in England, where court decisions make up the law, sadly ensures this.
She would be a very brave woman if she is not worried by her actions. In the Singapore of today, with mounting unemployment, with the economy in complete shambles, and with her patron and guardian Lee Kuan Yew already 86 years old and about to die, she must indeed be worrying what will happen to her when her guardian angel passes. Will she be held to account in a new democratic Singapore. I will not be surprised if she is already making plans to move to Australia with her family, to the very country which was the home of the animal, the subject of this case. It will be hard for her when at that time, she is held to account for her actions.
Recently the respected International Bar Association in their detailed 72 page report said that much. They said Singapore has in effect a corrupt system of law that is used as a tool to stifle and thwart any political opposition or criticism. That it why, even if Lee Kuan Yew's handpicked Minister for Law K Shanmugam may claim a thousand times to having the rule of law, the rest of the world know to what extent the law has been reduced. That is why the legal profession in Singapore only has 3,000 lawyers. That is why increasing numbers of lawyers are leaving Singapore never to return. That is why families are taking their children to live overseas.
This is a precarious dangerous time for people such as this who shamelessly use their positions of authority to deny the citizens their lawful rights. The time of reckoning is not too far away. Judge Judith Prakash, be warned.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Another of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew's dirty tricks. Gerrymandering before elections.
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The state controlled Singapore newspaper the Straits Times of Feb 18, 2008 has this story, "Polling districts changed". Of course we know elections are round the corner. Lee Kuan Yew has begun gerrymandering, an illegal electioneering practice.
An illegal practice, it is the re-drawing of electoral boundaries by the government in power to get more of their supporters into their boundaries to win, or to redraw the boundaries of opposition wards so as to exclude opposition supporters within it, to make them lose.
The reason why it is illegal is this. Firstly, if the opposition has already secured their ward, the voters in it are entitled to elect their representative whom they already know. By redrawing it and removing a section of them into the bordering ward, they are reducing their chances. Also the voters there want their man who they know and support, not someone else if the borders are redrawn and their representative loses.
Second, it is to protect the incumbent representative there. Since he has won the seat, and has cultivated his support there, it would be wrong to deny him the right to win again, by taking his supporters away.
The Singapore state controlled paper claims the government is doing this so that "each polling district has the optimum number of voters". What does that mean, do you know? I don't. In fact it is so just much drivel and poppycock, nothing more. There is no lawful requirement in elections for every ward to have an "optimum" number of voters.
Quite clearly this is gerrymandering, but I wonder why they even take the trouble. It is quite clear they will win by rigging the elections in the shameful ways I have said here before. They may decide to win all the seats or they may let the harmless Loh Thia Khiang and Chiam See Tong win again, primarily to fool the rest of the world into thinking it is a democracy, and not a one party state, which everyone at home knows it is.
Lee Kuan Yew and his PAP will win hands down, as they have always done. If they don't, they will already have stuffed the ballot boxes and win anyway. Perhaps the ballot boxes have already been stuffed and are on standby. Davinder Singh, Lee Kuan Yew's lawyer has already been briefed to standby with the necessary court papers to for the likes of Francis Seow to finish him off. The state controlled press has already been instructed to splash across their pages the virtues of Lee Kuan Yew's ministers and the cowardly men who stand as the opposition.
Even though Singapore is a small island and constituency of Hougang and Potong Pasir are just a few feet away from Lee Kuan Yew's constituencies, miraculously and oddly, only those within the confines of these two wards are opposition sympathisers and those a couple of feet away are not! If you believe that, you will believe anything.
Lee Kuan Yew will once again rig the elections to win, as he has always done since 1959. He is treating you as a bunch of fools. If I were you, I will refuse to vote. It carries a fine, but if you refuse to vote en masse, there is nothing Lee Kuan Yew could do. Also you can protest. You can stand in the streets to distribute leaflets. You can Email your friends not to vote.
But one thing I can tell you. Lee Kuan Yew will win again, not because the people support him, but because they have no choice because he has got them, that is you, by the neck. It is up to you as to what you want to do.
Gerrymandering is illegal. That is what Lee Kuan Yew is doing before your very eyes.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The state controlled Singapore newspaper the Straits Times of Feb 18, 2008 has this story, "Polling districts changed". Of course we know elections are round the corner. Lee Kuan Yew has begun gerrymandering, an illegal electioneering practice.
An illegal practice, it is the re-drawing of electoral boundaries by the government in power to get more of their supporters into their boundaries to win, or to redraw the boundaries of opposition wards so as to exclude opposition supporters within it, to make them lose.
The reason why it is illegal is this. Firstly, if the opposition has already secured their ward, the voters in it are entitled to elect their representative whom they already know. By redrawing it and removing a section of them into the bordering ward, they are reducing their chances. Also the voters there want their man who they know and support, not someone else if the borders are redrawn and their representative loses.
Second, it is to protect the incumbent representative there. Since he has won the seat, and has cultivated his support there, it would be wrong to deny him the right to win again, by taking his supporters away.
The Singapore state controlled paper claims the government is doing this so that "each polling district has the optimum number of voters". What does that mean, do you know? I don't. In fact it is so just much drivel and poppycock, nothing more. There is no lawful requirement in elections for every ward to have an "optimum" number of voters.
Quite clearly this is gerrymandering, but I wonder why they even take the trouble. It is quite clear they will win by rigging the elections in the shameful ways I have said here before. They may decide to win all the seats or they may let the harmless Loh Thia Khiang and Chiam See Tong win again, primarily to fool the rest of the world into thinking it is a democracy, and not a one party state, which everyone at home knows it is.
Lee Kuan Yew and his PAP will win hands down, as they have always done. If they don't, they will already have stuffed the ballot boxes and win anyway. Perhaps the ballot boxes have already been stuffed and are on standby. Davinder Singh, Lee Kuan Yew's lawyer has already been briefed to standby with the necessary court papers to for the likes of Francis Seow to finish him off. The state controlled press has already been instructed to splash across their pages the virtues of Lee Kuan Yew's ministers and the cowardly men who stand as the opposition.
Even though Singapore is a small island and constituency of Hougang and Potong Pasir are just a few feet away from Lee Kuan Yew's constituencies, miraculously and oddly, only those within the confines of these two wards are opposition sympathisers and those a couple of feet away are not! If you believe that, you will believe anything.
Lee Kuan Yew will once again rig the elections to win, as he has always done since 1959. He is treating you as a bunch of fools. If I were you, I will refuse to vote. It carries a fine, but if you refuse to vote en masse, there is nothing Lee Kuan Yew could do. Also you can protest. You can stand in the streets to distribute leaflets. You can Email your friends not to vote.
But one thing I can tell you. Lee Kuan Yew will win again, not because the people support him, but because they have no choice because he has got them, that is you, by the neck. It is up to you as to what you want to do.
Gerrymandering is illegal. That is what Lee Kuan Yew is doing before your very eyes.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Friday, February 20, 2009
The middle finger
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Except to my friends, I have not publicly mentioned this. Now I will say it. It is about my middle finger.
The trial which I attended in Singapore which got me into trouble, Lee Kuan Yew vs Dr. Chee Soon Juan before Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean took place in the Singapore High Court from May 26, 2008 to May 28, 2008. The courtroom is relatively small. The well of the court is separated from the public gallery by a full glass panel extending from the ground to the ceiling. There were about 5 rows of benches in it. On the 2nd day, May 27, 2008, I was seated on the 2nd row, slightly towards the end. The first row was reserved for newspapermen.
On May 27, 2008, about midday, Lee Kuan Yew strolled into the well of the court through the door, accompanied by about 15 men in civilian clothes each with a badge or identification hanging from his neck. The judge made no attempt to ask who the men accompanying Lee Kuan Yew were, which we later found out were bodyguards. The judge, as I had said earlier was behaving as if Lee Kuan Yew owned that courtroom and her as well. For the shameful manner in which this judge conducted the proceedings, please refer to my earlier blog Singapore. Judge Belinda Ang's Kangaroo Court of May 29, 2008.
Naturally Dr. Chee Soon Juan rose to protest at the judge's total neglect to question who all these 15 men accompanying Singapore's strongman, Lee Kuan Yew were, and what business they had in court, when only yesterday, this same judge took serious issue with Dr. Chee Soon Juan's assistants being present in court, namely Violet Netto a lawyer, Gandhi Ambalam, Chairman of SDP and John Tan, Assistant Secretary General of the SDP. Only after a prolonged questioning of Dr. Chee Soon Juan did the judge finally permit these assistants to be present for the purpose of taking notes and carrying out other errands.
Since Lee Kuan Yew's son was still being cross examined by Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Mr. Davinder Singh, his counsel asked permission for Lee Kuan Yew to remain in court while his son was testifying. This was wrong since these are separate plaintiffs; if one can listen to the testimony of the other, it is easy to tailor one's evidence to suit oneself. Common sense would tell you that the other plaintiff should not not be in court listening to the other's evidence. Dr. Chee objected of course, but you rightly guessed what this judge decided. Of course she permitted Lee Kuan Yew to remain and listen to his son's testimony, before he himself testified.
Now I come to my middle finger. When Lee Kuan Yew came in, he was directed to sit at the back, with these 15 men seated behind him. Sometime during the proceedings there was a break, when the 86 year old Lee Kuan Yew got up and turned around to look at the people in the gallery. When he looked at me, I stuck up my right middle finger at him. For a moment, he appeared unsure of my action, but I kept my middle finger up at him, clearly mocking him. I am sure he saw it, but after a fleeting moment, pretended as if he never did.
True, lawyers, or anyone else for that matter, should not be going around sticking up their middle fingers at others. But that was an occasion when I had an irresistible impulse to do exactly that. I had to show the man what I thought of him.
Was I arrested because I wrote a blog post criticizing this Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean or was was it because I stuck up my middle finger at him? We will never know would we, in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
You see, in Australia, if I had passed Kevin Rudd on the street and stuck my little finger at him, he probably would have done the same to me, and we would perhaps have had a drink of 4x beer together, or whatever else they drink in Australia. No big deal sticking the finger at anyone. But of course that is a democracy. In Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, you are almost expected to prostrate and crawl at his feet if he sets eyes on you, which is not very often these days.
Well, I am a human being and I have my rights, and I will stick my finger when I want.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Except to my friends, I have not publicly mentioned this. Now I will say it. It is about my middle finger.
The trial which I attended in Singapore which got me into trouble, Lee Kuan Yew vs Dr. Chee Soon Juan before Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean took place in the Singapore High Court from May 26, 2008 to May 28, 2008. The courtroom is relatively small. The well of the court is separated from the public gallery by a full glass panel extending from the ground to the ceiling. There were about 5 rows of benches in it. On the 2nd day, May 27, 2008, I was seated on the 2nd row, slightly towards the end. The first row was reserved for newspapermen.
On May 27, 2008, about midday, Lee Kuan Yew strolled into the well of the court through the door, accompanied by about 15 men in civilian clothes each with a badge or identification hanging from his neck. The judge made no attempt to ask who the men accompanying Lee Kuan Yew were, which we later found out were bodyguards. The judge, as I had said earlier was behaving as if Lee Kuan Yew owned that courtroom and her as well. For the shameful manner in which this judge conducted the proceedings, please refer to my earlier blog Singapore. Judge Belinda Ang's Kangaroo Court of May 29, 2008.
Naturally Dr. Chee Soon Juan rose to protest at the judge's total neglect to question who all these 15 men accompanying Singapore's strongman, Lee Kuan Yew were, and what business they had in court, when only yesterday, this same judge took serious issue with Dr. Chee Soon Juan's assistants being present in court, namely Violet Netto a lawyer, Gandhi Ambalam, Chairman of SDP and John Tan, Assistant Secretary General of the SDP. Only after a prolonged questioning of Dr. Chee Soon Juan did the judge finally permit these assistants to be present for the purpose of taking notes and carrying out other errands.
Since Lee Kuan Yew's son was still being cross examined by Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Mr. Davinder Singh, his counsel asked permission for Lee Kuan Yew to remain in court while his son was testifying. This was wrong since these are separate plaintiffs; if one can listen to the testimony of the other, it is easy to tailor one's evidence to suit oneself. Common sense would tell you that the other plaintiff should not not be in court listening to the other's evidence. Dr. Chee objected of course, but you rightly guessed what this judge decided. Of course she permitted Lee Kuan Yew to remain and listen to his son's testimony, before he himself testified.
Now I come to my middle finger. When Lee Kuan Yew came in, he was directed to sit at the back, with these 15 men seated behind him. Sometime during the proceedings there was a break, when the 86 year old Lee Kuan Yew got up and turned around to look at the people in the gallery. When he looked at me, I stuck up my right middle finger at him. For a moment, he appeared unsure of my action, but I kept my middle finger up at him, clearly mocking him. I am sure he saw it, but after a fleeting moment, pretended as if he never did.
True, lawyers, or anyone else for that matter, should not be going around sticking up their middle fingers at others. But that was an occasion when I had an irresistible impulse to do exactly that. I had to show the man what I thought of him.
Was I arrested because I wrote a blog post criticizing this Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean or was was it because I stuck up my middle finger at him? We will never know would we, in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
You see, in Australia, if I had passed Kevin Rudd on the street and stuck my little finger at him, he probably would have done the same to me, and we would perhaps have had a drink of 4x beer together, or whatever else they drink in Australia. No big deal sticking the finger at anyone. But of course that is a democracy. In Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, you are almost expected to prostrate and crawl at his feet if he sets eyes on you, which is not very often these days.
Well, I am a human being and I have my rights, and I will stick my finger when I want.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Having some difficulty with my picture on the blog. Will fix it soon. All is per normal.
Gopalan Nair
Singapore Dissident
Having some difficulty with my picture on the blog. Will fix it soon. All is per normal.
Gopalan Nair
Singapore Dissident
Singapore. The lion without teeth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A book review of " The Singapore Miracle" by Australian Rodney King which appeared in The Nation, A Bangkok Independent Newspaper, July 2nd, 2007. I haven't read it yet, but it appears a must read to know what Lee Kuan Yew's "miracle" Singapore really is. Courtesy of the Singapore Democratic Party website. Book available at Select Books, Tanglin Shopping Center, Singapore. For other possible bookshops, please contact Singapore Democratic Party. It is also available on line, of course.
The reference to "Lion" in the title is because Singapore calls itself, "The Lion City". With Singaporeans today living in fear of it's strongman Lee Kuan Yew, a more appropriate name would have been "The Sheep City" but that is beside the point.
Lion without teeth
Singapore is brilliant at self-promotion, says an Australian analyst, but it is no financial dynamo. Much of the world has been deluded by its hollow roars of success
Singapore, the modern city-state known for its authoritarian ways and conservative government, has a reputation for functional efficiency and capitalist success.
The smallest member of Asean geographically is often touted as one of Asia's great success stories - a gleaming city that emerged from the tropical swamps under a strict but wise autocrat, Lee Kuan Yew.
But a fascinating new book by Australian Rodney King looks deeper into the "the Singapore Miracle" and reveals that a lot of the city's supposed successes are in fact hot air.
Reports of Singapore being a dynamic commercial melting pot are, King says, simply the oft-repeated claims of a government that tolerates little dissent, and city leaders who may actually have stifled the sort of entrepreneurial dynamism you get in places such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan and maybe even Bangkok.
King is a Perth journalist who lived in Singapore for a number of years and worked briefly at the Straits Times.
"The Singapore Miracle - Myth and Reality" casts doubt on the city-state's claims of cutting-edge efficiency, global competitiveness, economic freedom and transparency. Most Singaporeans are not as affluent as their government makes out, King says in his extensively documented, 500-page tome.
"Books about Singapore usually praise its achievements or criticise its authoritarian rule," he writes. "But few ever probe its widely publicised claims that it is a brilliant success that other countries should follow."
King argues that Singapore's workforce productivity is often mediocre and well below that of the West and Asian economies such as Hong Kong.
"The country also displays endemic inefficiencies at both macro and micro-economic levels. The performance of the construction, financial and service sectors is second-rate, while Singapore Airlines does not deserve the top rankings it receives."
Singapore, he says, has "a dependent and underdeveloped economy". Multinational companies and state enterprises predominate, and the economy has "low entrepreneurial and innovative capacities and an under-educated workforce".
The city-state's supposed affluence is also largely a myth.
"About 30 per cent of the population still lives in poverty by Western living standards," he says. And Singapore's Housing Development Board, Central Provident Fund and state-run health schemes have severe shortcomings.
What Singapore has been good at, he says, is marketing itself.
"Singapore has brilliantly sold itself to the world as an amazing success story to attract foreign investment and talent. It's managed to get most Western think-tanks and ratings agencies to give it top scores for such things as competitiveness, transparency, economic freedom, etc.
"These bodies reflect the interests of foreign capital and their methodologies are shoddy and incompetent at times. And the statistics they are fed by the Singaporean authorities are often dubious and designed to put Singapore in the best light.
"To sell itself to the world Singapore has also denigrated and patronised its lesser-developed neighbours."
Singapore was hardly an economic backwater when Lee Kuan Yew took power in 1959, says King, who has no special regard for the premier, who held office through his People's Action Party (PAP) for 31 years. Lee is now known as a "Minister mentor" and elder statesman.
"Lee is always carefully listened to, and rather too politely ... his views and lectures often receive reverential attention from opinion lenders, American think-tank experts and others who often have little direct first-hand knowledge of Singapore."
In the early to mid-'60s, Singapore had one of the highest living standards in Asia, with one of the best-educated and hardest-working populations. Its strategic location and magnificent harbour - with extensive British-built shipyard facilities - alongside one of the world's busiest sea-lanes, meant that it became a natural transport hub. And these features were a great asset for industrialisation.
The strategies Lee used to develop Singapore were an open-door policy to foreign capital and export orientation to tap into global trade. They helped the city-state enjoy double-digit growth from the '60s to the '80s.
But the Lion City became heavily dependent on foreign capital while state enterprises focused on infrastructure and "nation-building concerns".
Entrepreneurial and innovative capacities have suffered because of a lack of domestic competition and the predominance of state bodies. Public servants running state boards often have little experience of the private sector "and no idea how to run a business", King and other analysts say.
"The local private sector, normally the seedbed of innovation in most market economies, is stunted and starved of venture capital," King writes. "The country's capacity for indigenous research and development and entrepreneurial and innovative endeavours remains limited.
"Heavy state control of the economy is exercised through an extensive layer of state enterprises. The state imposes this control through layers of red tape.
"The government also manages a big chunk of the people's savings through forced savings … and owns 72 per cent of the city-state's land. Moreover, the government controls the unions and most of the labour force. Equally mythical are Singapore's claims to being transparent. Nothing could be more untrue. The operations of Singapore's government and bureaucracy are swathed in secrecy."
King counters claims of high home-ownership levels, saying 86 per cent of Singaporeans rent government flats from the Housing Development Board on 99-year leases.
The author is provocative but very thorough. Every aspect of life in the city-state is analysed in detail.
"Singapore's flaws are hidden by the PAP state's vigorous marketing campaign," he says. And most local and foreign journalists "are usually too restricted or intimidated by government defamation laws and other penalties to challenge or refute" the "river of statistics" promoting Singapore's achievements.
There is a wealth of statistical and anecdotal material in this book to counter the official lines - or lies. Economists and anyone with an interest in Singapore should take note. This book could change the way you view our industrious neighbour.
But, perhaps the saddest facet of King's work is not what he's written, but the fact that the people who most need to read his book may find it hard to get, if Singaporean bookshops refuse to stock it, as he expects.
A book review of " The Singapore Miracle" by Australian Rodney King which appeared in The Nation, A Bangkok Independent Newspaper, July 2nd, 2007. I haven't read it yet, but it appears a must read to know what Lee Kuan Yew's "miracle" Singapore really is. Courtesy of the Singapore Democratic Party website. Book available at Select Books, Tanglin Shopping Center, Singapore. For other possible bookshops, please contact Singapore Democratic Party. It is also available on line, of course.
The reference to "Lion" in the title is because Singapore calls itself, "The Lion City". With Singaporeans today living in fear of it's strongman Lee Kuan Yew, a more appropriate name would have been "The Sheep City" but that is beside the point.
Lion without teeth
Singapore is brilliant at self-promotion, says an Australian analyst, but it is no financial dynamo. Much of the world has been deluded by its hollow roars of success
Singapore, the modern city-state known for its authoritarian ways and conservative government, has a reputation for functional efficiency and capitalist success.
The smallest member of Asean geographically is often touted as one of Asia's great success stories - a gleaming city that emerged from the tropical swamps under a strict but wise autocrat, Lee Kuan Yew.
But a fascinating new book by Australian Rodney King looks deeper into the "the Singapore Miracle" and reveals that a lot of the city's supposed successes are in fact hot air.
Reports of Singapore being a dynamic commercial melting pot are, King says, simply the oft-repeated claims of a government that tolerates little dissent, and city leaders who may actually have stifled the sort of entrepreneurial dynamism you get in places such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan and maybe even Bangkok.
King is a Perth journalist who lived in Singapore for a number of years and worked briefly at the Straits Times.
"The Singapore Miracle - Myth and Reality" casts doubt on the city-state's claims of cutting-edge efficiency, global competitiveness, economic freedom and transparency. Most Singaporeans are not as affluent as their government makes out, King says in his extensively documented, 500-page tome.
"Books about Singapore usually praise its achievements or criticise its authoritarian rule," he writes. "But few ever probe its widely publicised claims that it is a brilliant success that other countries should follow."
King argues that Singapore's workforce productivity is often mediocre and well below that of the West and Asian economies such as Hong Kong.
"The country also displays endemic inefficiencies at both macro and micro-economic levels. The performance of the construction, financial and service sectors is second-rate, while Singapore Airlines does not deserve the top rankings it receives."
Singapore, he says, has "a dependent and underdeveloped economy". Multinational companies and state enterprises predominate, and the economy has "low entrepreneurial and innovative capacities and an under-educated workforce".
The city-state's supposed affluence is also largely a myth.
"About 30 per cent of the population still lives in poverty by Western living standards," he says. And Singapore's Housing Development Board, Central Provident Fund and state-run health schemes have severe shortcomings.
What Singapore has been good at, he says, is marketing itself.
"Singapore has brilliantly sold itself to the world as an amazing success story to attract foreign investment and talent. It's managed to get most Western think-tanks and ratings agencies to give it top scores for such things as competitiveness, transparency, economic freedom, etc.
"These bodies reflect the interests of foreign capital and their methodologies are shoddy and incompetent at times. And the statistics they are fed by the Singaporean authorities are often dubious and designed to put Singapore in the best light.
"To sell itself to the world Singapore has also denigrated and patronised its lesser-developed neighbours."
Singapore was hardly an economic backwater when Lee Kuan Yew took power in 1959, says King, who has no special regard for the premier, who held office through his People's Action Party (PAP) for 31 years. Lee is now known as a "Minister mentor" and elder statesman.
"Lee is always carefully listened to, and rather too politely ... his views and lectures often receive reverential attention from opinion lenders, American think-tank experts and others who often have little direct first-hand knowledge of Singapore."
In the early to mid-'60s, Singapore had one of the highest living standards in Asia, with one of the best-educated and hardest-working populations. Its strategic location and magnificent harbour - with extensive British-built shipyard facilities - alongside one of the world's busiest sea-lanes, meant that it became a natural transport hub. And these features were a great asset for industrialisation.
The strategies Lee used to develop Singapore were an open-door policy to foreign capital and export orientation to tap into global trade. They helped the city-state enjoy double-digit growth from the '60s to the '80s.
But the Lion City became heavily dependent on foreign capital while state enterprises focused on infrastructure and "nation-building concerns".
Entrepreneurial and innovative capacities have suffered because of a lack of domestic competition and the predominance of state bodies. Public servants running state boards often have little experience of the private sector "and no idea how to run a business", King and other analysts say.
"The local private sector, normally the seedbed of innovation in most market economies, is stunted and starved of venture capital," King writes. "The country's capacity for indigenous research and development and entrepreneurial and innovative endeavours remains limited.
"Heavy state control of the economy is exercised through an extensive layer of state enterprises. The state imposes this control through layers of red tape.
"The government also manages a big chunk of the people's savings through forced savings … and owns 72 per cent of the city-state's land. Moreover, the government controls the unions and most of the labour force. Equally mythical are Singapore's claims to being transparent. Nothing could be more untrue. The operations of Singapore's government and bureaucracy are swathed in secrecy."
King counters claims of high home-ownership levels, saying 86 per cent of Singaporeans rent government flats from the Housing Development Board on 99-year leases.
The author is provocative but very thorough. Every aspect of life in the city-state is analysed in detail.
"Singapore's flaws are hidden by the PAP state's vigorous marketing campaign," he says. And most local and foreign journalists "are usually too restricted or intimidated by government defamation laws and other penalties to challenge or refute" the "river of statistics" promoting Singapore's achievements.
There is a wealth of statistical and anecdotal material in this book to counter the official lines - or lies. Economists and anyone with an interest in Singapore should take note. This book could change the way you view our industrious neighbour.
But, perhaps the saddest facet of King's work is not what he's written, but the fact that the people who most need to read his book may find it hard to get, if Singaporean bookshops refuse to stock it, as he expects.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Has sending Gopalan Nair, to prison, done any good?
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is what I, Gopalan Nair, convicted prisoner number 101232008, formerly a prisoner in Singapore's Queenstown Prison, now safely back in California, and writing this blog is asking. Was holding me in Singapore for 6 months and sending me to jail for 3 months, done Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew any good? On May 31, 2008, I was arrested for writing a blog post in this blog dated May 29, 2008, for criticizing the bias of Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean in the case of Lee Kuan Yew against Dr. Chee Soon Juan. As a result, Singapore police arrested me, confiscated my passport forcing me to remain in Singapore for 5 months and then I was sent to jail for 3 months.
Did all this do Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore strongman any good? Frankly not. Out of this adventure, I have gained far more than Lee Kuan Yew ever got.
Before my arrest, which was a clear violation of my right of free speech, I was not much more than someone who had contested Singapore elections in 1988 and 1991 and lost. Since December 2006, I was also known by some as a blogger, blogging under the name Singapore Dissident. But my arrest on May 31, 2008 changed everything.
Overnight Gopalan Nair became internationally known. Singapore's state controlled press making my arrest headline news, it instantly became international news. Reporters Without Borders, Paris France, and major organizations worldwide began demanding that the charges be dropped. As a result of my refusing to admit guilt, and the days passing for an entire 5 months in Singapore, more and more people all over the world and in Singapore began to hear of me and my case. As I walked the streets of Singapore while on bail, waiting for my trial in September of 2008, people came up to me to on a daily basis to congratulate me on my courage to speak my mind, as Singapore's state controlled press were printing my picture in the papers each time I had to appear in court on the numerous occasions.
At the time, before my arrest, the profile views on my blog alone (not counting the number of people who actually read the blog which were far more) was perhaps about 6 thousand. After I was arrested, this number shot up to over 21,000. Suddenly overnight, this blog and the name Gopalan Nair was both national and international news.
True, my forced stay in Singapore for 6 months has caused me some financial hardship. But I am back in America and I am building my practice back again. After all my practice is not a new one, it is more than 12 years old, and re-building it shouldn't be too difficult.
So it begs the question, why did Lee Kuan Yew do it? If he hoped to intimidate me into silence, should he not have considered the fact that I am an American? After all I will be able to leave Singapore sooner or later. And when I am outside Singapore, there is nothing he could do to me for anything I write, short of murdering me. What then was the point of the prosecution, if his intention was to stop my criticism of his courts and his oligarchy?
If his intention was to vilify me on a daily basis in Singapore's state controlled press by calling me a criminal, surely by now he should have known that most Singaporeans do not believe the orchestrated prosecutions against his political opponents anyway; which is why every Singaporean I met had only support and praise for me for what I did. And if his purpose was to intimidate others in Singapore from doing what I did, by now most Singaporeans have been silenced anyway, since JB Jeyaretnam was found guilty of defaming Lee Kuan Yew in the 1970s. One more politically motivated prosecution would have made no difference, especially against a foreigner.
And as for me, I have not stopped calling Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean of the Singapore High Court a corrupt judge who had shamelessly prostituted her judicial office and abused the law for Lee Kuan Yew's interests. If the intent in prosecuting me in Singapore was to stop me from attacking the judicial integrity of this judge, am I not doing it again from California with impunity?
And what is worse for Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore readership of this blog, those that he wishes the most to be ignorant of my writings, has and continues to increase daily! And what is more, every judge, every lawyer that I come across in the San Francisco Bay Area is now suddenly aware of what Singapore did to me, bringing Singapore several notches down closer to the military junta of Burma.
Today I am building up my law practice again and in no time, it will surpass what it was before my arrival in Singapore in May 2008. And not just that, I will have another feather on my cap which I did not have in the past, as another victim of Lee Kuan Yew's repressive regime. I have finally joined the ranks, albeit to a lesser degree, of Tan Wah Piow, JB Jeyaretnam, Francis Seow, Dr. Chee Soon Juan and Tang Liang Hong, Lee Kuan Yew's other victims. Something that will remain with me till I die, something to remember that I can tell my children and grandchildren; an adventure in an island controlled by fear and repression.
And most of all, I have been able to expose the corruption of Singapore's courts and Lee Kuan Yew's dictatorship.
If Lee Kuan Yew's minions had really thought about it, it would been best for them to have just deported me the very next day after I wrote the blog. Not having done that, they have made me an international celebrity, a proven victim of Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
And this blog will go on. And more Singaporeans will read it daily. And I will continue being a thorn on Lee Kuan Yew's plans for repression. He can if he wants, hack my blog, destroy it or stop it from Singapore. But all that will do no good. Every blog post since it's beginning in December 2006 is saved, not only by me but also by countless Singaporeans; which means the very next day, my writings will be published again. And what is most sweet, is the fact that I have become the voice and friend of countless Singaporeans who want to say what I say, but cannot, in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is what I, Gopalan Nair, convicted prisoner number 101232008, formerly a prisoner in Singapore's Queenstown Prison, now safely back in California, and writing this blog is asking. Was holding me in Singapore for 6 months and sending me to jail for 3 months, done Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew any good? On May 31, 2008, I was arrested for writing a blog post in this blog dated May 29, 2008, for criticizing the bias of Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean in the case of Lee Kuan Yew against Dr. Chee Soon Juan. As a result, Singapore police arrested me, confiscated my passport forcing me to remain in Singapore for 5 months and then I was sent to jail for 3 months.
Did all this do Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore strongman any good? Frankly not. Out of this adventure, I have gained far more than Lee Kuan Yew ever got.
Before my arrest, which was a clear violation of my right of free speech, I was not much more than someone who had contested Singapore elections in 1988 and 1991 and lost. Since December 2006, I was also known by some as a blogger, blogging under the name Singapore Dissident. But my arrest on May 31, 2008 changed everything.
Overnight Gopalan Nair became internationally known. Singapore's state controlled press making my arrest headline news, it instantly became international news. Reporters Without Borders, Paris France, and major organizations worldwide began demanding that the charges be dropped. As a result of my refusing to admit guilt, and the days passing for an entire 5 months in Singapore, more and more people all over the world and in Singapore began to hear of me and my case. As I walked the streets of Singapore while on bail, waiting for my trial in September of 2008, people came up to me to on a daily basis to congratulate me on my courage to speak my mind, as Singapore's state controlled press were printing my picture in the papers each time I had to appear in court on the numerous occasions.
At the time, before my arrest, the profile views on my blog alone (not counting the number of people who actually read the blog which were far more) was perhaps about 6 thousand. After I was arrested, this number shot up to over 21,000. Suddenly overnight, this blog and the name Gopalan Nair was both national and international news.
True, my forced stay in Singapore for 6 months has caused me some financial hardship. But I am back in America and I am building my practice back again. After all my practice is not a new one, it is more than 12 years old, and re-building it shouldn't be too difficult.
So it begs the question, why did Lee Kuan Yew do it? If he hoped to intimidate me into silence, should he not have considered the fact that I am an American? After all I will be able to leave Singapore sooner or later. And when I am outside Singapore, there is nothing he could do to me for anything I write, short of murdering me. What then was the point of the prosecution, if his intention was to stop my criticism of his courts and his oligarchy?
If his intention was to vilify me on a daily basis in Singapore's state controlled press by calling me a criminal, surely by now he should have known that most Singaporeans do not believe the orchestrated prosecutions against his political opponents anyway; which is why every Singaporean I met had only support and praise for me for what I did. And if his purpose was to intimidate others in Singapore from doing what I did, by now most Singaporeans have been silenced anyway, since JB Jeyaretnam was found guilty of defaming Lee Kuan Yew in the 1970s. One more politically motivated prosecution would have made no difference, especially against a foreigner.
And as for me, I have not stopped calling Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean of the Singapore High Court a corrupt judge who had shamelessly prostituted her judicial office and abused the law for Lee Kuan Yew's interests. If the intent in prosecuting me in Singapore was to stop me from attacking the judicial integrity of this judge, am I not doing it again from California with impunity?
And what is worse for Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore readership of this blog, those that he wishes the most to be ignorant of my writings, has and continues to increase daily! And what is more, every judge, every lawyer that I come across in the San Francisco Bay Area is now suddenly aware of what Singapore did to me, bringing Singapore several notches down closer to the military junta of Burma.
Today I am building up my law practice again and in no time, it will surpass what it was before my arrival in Singapore in May 2008. And not just that, I will have another feather on my cap which I did not have in the past, as another victim of Lee Kuan Yew's repressive regime. I have finally joined the ranks, albeit to a lesser degree, of Tan Wah Piow, JB Jeyaretnam, Francis Seow, Dr. Chee Soon Juan and Tang Liang Hong, Lee Kuan Yew's other victims. Something that will remain with me till I die, something to remember that I can tell my children and grandchildren; an adventure in an island controlled by fear and repression.
And most of all, I have been able to expose the corruption of Singapore's courts and Lee Kuan Yew's dictatorship.
If Lee Kuan Yew's minions had really thought about it, it would been best for them to have just deported me the very next day after I wrote the blog. Not having done that, they have made me an international celebrity, a proven victim of Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
And this blog will go on. And more Singaporeans will read it daily. And I will continue being a thorn on Lee Kuan Yew's plans for repression. He can if he wants, hack my blog, destroy it or stop it from Singapore. But all that will do no good. Every blog post since it's beginning in December 2006 is saved, not only by me but also by countless Singaporeans; which means the very next day, my writings will be published again. And what is most sweet, is the fact that I have become the voice and friend of countless Singaporeans who want to say what I say, but cannot, in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew's handpicked Minister for Law K Shanmugam says "Voting not a mere privilege"!
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's state controlled newspaper the Straits Times of Feb 13, 2009 has an article, "Voting is not a privilege". Lee Kuan Yew's one party state's handpicked Minister for Law has categorically stated in Parliament recently that in Singapore voting is not just a mere privilege, but a constitutional right. This might be reassuring to the uninitiated in Singapore's unique style of doing things. But tell me, Mr. K Shanmugam, is this right worth anything in reality? My guess is this. Most Singaporeans if given the choice, would rather not vote at all, thank you very much.
Lee Kuan Yew has rigged every parliamentary election in that island, since the country's inception. And after rigging the elections to ensure Lee Kuan Yew's party wins hands down each time, what is the point of even voting, let alone the right to vote? But the voter is denied even the privilege of not voting, as in Singapore, voting is compulsory and for refusing to vote, you will be fined and sent to jail. The situation becomes intolerable as you can see. Lee Kuan Yew will insist on rigging the elections first, and after the rigging, you are forced to participate in the same elections that know was rigged in the first place!
If what I am about to say is not rigging, then what is it?
At every single election in the history of Singapore, any opposition politician who wants to stand for office, if he happens to be worth anything, is promptly sued for defamation (Lee Kuan Yew's favorite trick) or convicted of real or imaginary offenses. Lee Kuan Yew's willing judges will bend and twist the law for him to bankrupt and criminalize his political opponents. Since bankrupts and criminals are not allowed to stand for elections, even before the election campaign has begun, any opposition politician of any substance is already eliminated! If this is not rigging elections, then what is it?
JB Jeyaretnam who was Lee's political opponent for decades was repeatedly disqualified from standing for office through Lee's trumped up defamation charges and bankruptcy. Dr. Chee Soon Juan, another opposition politician was repeatedly bankrupted and sent to jail and vilified in the state controlled press, on criminal charges disqualifying him from standing for political office.
It was the same with Francis Seow who had to flee to the US and Tang Liang Hong who ran to Australia, all bankrupted and vilified as thieves and child molesters by Lee Kuan Yew, his compliant judiciary and his state controlled press before they even had a chance to contest elections.
And as Lee Kuan Yew intends, this sends a chill down the spine of every Singaporean not to meddle in Singapore politics unless it is in praise of Lee Kuan Yew, and his sole political party in power, discouraging anyone with a head on his shoulders never to challenge Lee Kuan Yew's authority, let alone stand for elections against him.
The only ones who can effectively stand for elections are bicycle thieves, illiterates and those without any merit whatsoever. Lee Kuan Yew knows they are no threat to him, since they have no substance anyway and will be defeated. They of course are very welcome to stand for elections, and after they have lost their deposits through lack of votes, Lee Kuan Yew's press will discredit them, calling them a bunch of names while extolling his greatness and his party!
As if this was not enough, the time for electioneering by opposition parties is only 8 days while Lee Kuan Yew has the entire 4 years to campaign anytime and anywhere he wants, the state controlled media giving him and his party full exposure in his state controlled press.
Furthermore the deposit needed for standing for elections has been steadily increased now standing at several thousand dollars, making it financially impossible for many to contest elections; and each candidate has to get more than a dozen sponsors with their identity card numbers, addresses revealed, making one reluctant to sponsor a political opponent, in fear of reprisals from Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's strongman.
Thank you Mr. K Shanmugam. I would prefer not to vote, if you can make that possible. At least one can retain at least some dignity, that way.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's state controlled newspaper the Straits Times of Feb 13, 2009 has an article, "Voting is not a privilege". Lee Kuan Yew's one party state's handpicked Minister for Law has categorically stated in Parliament recently that in Singapore voting is not just a mere privilege, but a constitutional right. This might be reassuring to the uninitiated in Singapore's unique style of doing things. But tell me, Mr. K Shanmugam, is this right worth anything in reality? My guess is this. Most Singaporeans if given the choice, would rather not vote at all, thank you very much.
Lee Kuan Yew has rigged every parliamentary election in that island, since the country's inception. And after rigging the elections to ensure Lee Kuan Yew's party wins hands down each time, what is the point of even voting, let alone the right to vote? But the voter is denied even the privilege of not voting, as in Singapore, voting is compulsory and for refusing to vote, you will be fined and sent to jail. The situation becomes intolerable as you can see. Lee Kuan Yew will insist on rigging the elections first, and after the rigging, you are forced to participate in the same elections that know was rigged in the first place!
If what I am about to say is not rigging, then what is it?
At every single election in the history of Singapore, any opposition politician who wants to stand for office, if he happens to be worth anything, is promptly sued for defamation (Lee Kuan Yew's favorite trick) or convicted of real or imaginary offenses. Lee Kuan Yew's willing judges will bend and twist the law for him to bankrupt and criminalize his political opponents. Since bankrupts and criminals are not allowed to stand for elections, even before the election campaign has begun, any opposition politician of any substance is already eliminated! If this is not rigging elections, then what is it?
JB Jeyaretnam who was Lee's political opponent for decades was repeatedly disqualified from standing for office through Lee's trumped up defamation charges and bankruptcy. Dr. Chee Soon Juan, another opposition politician was repeatedly bankrupted and sent to jail and vilified in the state controlled press, on criminal charges disqualifying him from standing for political office.
It was the same with Francis Seow who had to flee to the US and Tang Liang Hong who ran to Australia, all bankrupted and vilified as thieves and child molesters by Lee Kuan Yew, his compliant judiciary and his state controlled press before they even had a chance to contest elections.
And as Lee Kuan Yew intends, this sends a chill down the spine of every Singaporean not to meddle in Singapore politics unless it is in praise of Lee Kuan Yew, and his sole political party in power, discouraging anyone with a head on his shoulders never to challenge Lee Kuan Yew's authority, let alone stand for elections against him.
The only ones who can effectively stand for elections are bicycle thieves, illiterates and those without any merit whatsoever. Lee Kuan Yew knows they are no threat to him, since they have no substance anyway and will be defeated. They of course are very welcome to stand for elections, and after they have lost their deposits through lack of votes, Lee Kuan Yew's press will discredit them, calling them a bunch of names while extolling his greatness and his party!
As if this was not enough, the time for electioneering by opposition parties is only 8 days while Lee Kuan Yew has the entire 4 years to campaign anytime and anywhere he wants, the state controlled media giving him and his party full exposure in his state controlled press.
Furthermore the deposit needed for standing for elections has been steadily increased now standing at several thousand dollars, making it financially impossible for many to contest elections; and each candidate has to get more than a dozen sponsors with their identity card numbers, addresses revealed, making one reluctant to sponsor a political opponent, in fear of reprisals from Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's strongman.
Thank you Mr. K Shanmugam. I would prefer not to vote, if you can make that possible. At least one can retain at least some dignity, that way.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Monday, February 16, 2009
One party state Singapore's Law Minister K Shanmugam insulting our intelligence yet again
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Does your blood not boil to read K Shanmugam's plans to increase the lawyer population in Singapore as reported in Channelnewsasia report of Feb 13, 2009 "Singapore acts to lure overseas trained lawyers back home".
In order to increase the dwindling pool of lawyers in Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew's handpicked Minister for Law, whose head it seems needs a thorough examination; intends to shorten the 1 year mandatory training course for foreign lawyers replacing it with a 3 month optional course. This is where I say this man is either completely detached from the legal profession or is deliberately insulting the reader's intelligence.
The legal profession all over the world is among the most poplar of vocations. In every country, the problem is always too many lawyers with states grappling with ways to limit new entrants. In California with a population of 33 million, there are over 163,875 lawyers in active practice, (one lawyer for every 201 people) with ever increasing numbers wanting to join. In order to limit the ever growing numbers, the California Bar Examination is made so difficult that only that only 1 in 3 manage to to pass the bar, with most lawyers have to take the exam multiple times to eventually succeed. The reason for the attraction of a legal career must be obvious. The law is a respected profession and judges here are expected to have high honor and integrity; willing to uphold the Constitution at any cost. Lawyers are proud of law enforcement, proud of their judges and the judges similarly respected the lawyers.
Not in Singapore. With Lee Kuan Yew openly and brazenly using the law as a means to silence dissent, with Singaporean judges seen as willing agents in this political repression of Lee Kuan Yew's opponents; with judges like Belinda Saw Ean shamelessly using her court to bankrupt and impoverish Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Lee Kuan Yew's political foe, the people have completely lost any respect for Lee Kuan Yew's legal system. So what is happening now, in fact what has been going on for a long time, is Singapore lawyers leaving the profession and new applicants are not being found.
I called the Law Society in Singapore, a minute ago, to ask them what the total number of lawyers there are. They appeared so secretive, just as every other government organ in Singapore is. Immediately the woman on the phone transferred me to another woman, who asked me who I was. I told them I was a member of the public, to which believe it or not, her response was that I should send them a letter for this information. When I asked why should one have to send them a letter merely for general information such as this, she transferred me to someone calling himself Kenneth who happened to be the director. He told me there was about 3,000. When I asked for the exact number, again the same question as to who I was and why I wanted this information. I said I am Nair, a member of the public. He then asked me to hold and disappeared for far too long, when it did not make sense anymore to hold on to the long distance line. I can openly say, according to him, before Kenneth disappeared for a long time, that here are about 3,000 lawyers in Singapore. Why such reluctance to give out general information such as this is mind boggling. I guess it is the same in all secretive jurisdictions; fear that the truth will out.
I called him again. He said his name was Kenneth Goh. This time he too said I should write an Email to him for this information. On my pointing out that I am not asking for state secrets, this being general information, his answer was that in order to work out the exact figure, he needs time. When I said, a general estimate is fine, he finally said 3,500. From anecdotal evidence it appears that this figure is much less than this.
The figure is startling in the light of Singapore's population which last reported to be around 4.5 million. The figures work out to 1 lawyer for every 1285 Singaporeans! Imagine that, in a supposedly global city that thrives on private banking (a euphemism for money laundering and tax haven), you only have 3,500 lawyers! And what is worse, from what I understand, this figure is fast dwindling, with existing lawyers leaving and no new takers.
Why is the legal profession in Singapore so unpopular? 3,500 lawyers is hardly enough for a city state that claims banking and international trade as it's main industry. Well the answer lies in Lee Kuan Yew successfully undermining the credibility of the administration of justice, with judges brazenly abusing the law for Lee Kuan Yew political purposes; Lee Kuan Yew has managed to make Singapore law and its judges devoid of any respect in the public eye.
The reason why Singapore lawyers leave never to return is not because of having to do a one year course in order to practice. They would have climbed the mountain if that is what it takes to practice law; that is if they have any respect for it. So eliminating the need for the one year course, permitting second class lawyers also to practice and increasing the intake of lawyers at NUS is not going to change anything. These are acts of desperation by this Lee Kuan Yew's minion who has run out of ideas.
If you want lawyers to practice there, you first of all have to show there is law there in the first place. If as it is now, the law is at the mercy of Lee Kuan Yew's and his minion the Minister for Law, K Shanmugam's whims and fancies, the number will either remain at the miserable level of 3,500 or it will shrink even further.
There is one thing that Lee Kuan Yew's boy K Shanmugam can do. That is to stop making a fool of all of us and himself by facing the facts for a change. If he wants the profession to increase, he must do the obvious. Re-introduce the law in Singapore, not the pretence that goes on now.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Does your blood not boil to read K Shanmugam's plans to increase the lawyer population in Singapore as reported in Channelnewsasia report of Feb 13, 2009 "Singapore acts to lure overseas trained lawyers back home".
In order to increase the dwindling pool of lawyers in Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew's handpicked Minister for Law, whose head it seems needs a thorough examination; intends to shorten the 1 year mandatory training course for foreign lawyers replacing it with a 3 month optional course. This is where I say this man is either completely detached from the legal profession or is deliberately insulting the reader's intelligence.
The legal profession all over the world is among the most poplar of vocations. In every country, the problem is always too many lawyers with states grappling with ways to limit new entrants. In California with a population of 33 million, there are over 163,875 lawyers in active practice, (one lawyer for every 201 people) with ever increasing numbers wanting to join. In order to limit the ever growing numbers, the California Bar Examination is made so difficult that only that only 1 in 3 manage to to pass the bar, with most lawyers have to take the exam multiple times to eventually succeed. The reason for the attraction of a legal career must be obvious. The law is a respected profession and judges here are expected to have high honor and integrity; willing to uphold the Constitution at any cost. Lawyers are proud of law enforcement, proud of their judges and the judges similarly respected the lawyers.
Not in Singapore. With Lee Kuan Yew openly and brazenly using the law as a means to silence dissent, with Singaporean judges seen as willing agents in this political repression of Lee Kuan Yew's opponents; with judges like Belinda Saw Ean shamelessly using her court to bankrupt and impoverish Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Lee Kuan Yew's political foe, the people have completely lost any respect for Lee Kuan Yew's legal system. So what is happening now, in fact what has been going on for a long time, is Singapore lawyers leaving the profession and new applicants are not being found.
I called the Law Society in Singapore, a minute ago, to ask them what the total number of lawyers there are. They appeared so secretive, just as every other government organ in Singapore is. Immediately the woman on the phone transferred me to another woman, who asked me who I was. I told them I was a member of the public, to which believe it or not, her response was that I should send them a letter for this information. When I asked why should one have to send them a letter merely for general information such as this, she transferred me to someone calling himself Kenneth who happened to be the director. He told me there was about 3,000. When I asked for the exact number, again the same question as to who I was and why I wanted this information. I said I am Nair, a member of the public. He then asked me to hold and disappeared for far too long, when it did not make sense anymore to hold on to the long distance line. I can openly say, according to him, before Kenneth disappeared for a long time, that here are about 3,000 lawyers in Singapore. Why such reluctance to give out general information such as this is mind boggling. I guess it is the same in all secretive jurisdictions; fear that the truth will out.
I called him again. He said his name was Kenneth Goh. This time he too said I should write an Email to him for this information. On my pointing out that I am not asking for state secrets, this being general information, his answer was that in order to work out the exact figure, he needs time. When I said, a general estimate is fine, he finally said 3,500. From anecdotal evidence it appears that this figure is much less than this.
The figure is startling in the light of Singapore's population which last reported to be around 4.5 million. The figures work out to 1 lawyer for every 1285 Singaporeans! Imagine that, in a supposedly global city that thrives on private banking (a euphemism for money laundering and tax haven), you only have 3,500 lawyers! And what is worse, from what I understand, this figure is fast dwindling, with existing lawyers leaving and no new takers.
Why is the legal profession in Singapore so unpopular? 3,500 lawyers is hardly enough for a city state that claims banking and international trade as it's main industry. Well the answer lies in Lee Kuan Yew successfully undermining the credibility of the administration of justice, with judges brazenly abusing the law for Lee Kuan Yew political purposes; Lee Kuan Yew has managed to make Singapore law and its judges devoid of any respect in the public eye.
The reason why Singapore lawyers leave never to return is not because of having to do a one year course in order to practice. They would have climbed the mountain if that is what it takes to practice law; that is if they have any respect for it. So eliminating the need for the one year course, permitting second class lawyers also to practice and increasing the intake of lawyers at NUS is not going to change anything. These are acts of desperation by this Lee Kuan Yew's minion who has run out of ideas.
If you want lawyers to practice there, you first of all have to show there is law there in the first place. If as it is now, the law is at the mercy of Lee Kuan Yew's and his minion the Minister for Law, K Shanmugam's whims and fancies, the number will either remain at the miserable level of 3,500 or it will shrink even further.
There is one thing that Lee Kuan Yew's boy K Shanmugam can do. That is to stop making a fool of all of us and himself by facing the facts for a change. If he wants the profession to increase, he must do the obvious. Re-introduce the law in Singapore, not the pretence that goes on now.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Singapore's Minister for Law, K Shanmugam's pipe dream
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Firstly, you have to remember who this man K Shanmugam, Lee Kuan Yew's hand picked Minister for Law is. Recall the late respected lawyer and opposition politician, JB Jeyaretnam (not to be confused with his son Philip Jeyaretnam). Through abusing the law using his complaint judges Lee Kuan Yew hounded Jeyaretnam, charging him with criminal offenses of breach of trust, repeatedly suing him for defamation and ordering him to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, sending him to prison, bankrupting him and driving him out his law practice and his seat in Parliament.
When Jeyaretnam appealed to the Privy Council in London, against the Singapore courts finding him guilty of breach of trust which resulted in his disbarment, not only did JB Jeyaretnam win his case, but the law lords did not stop there. This is what they said:
"Their Lordships have to record their deep disquiet that by a series of misjudgments, the appellant and his co-accused Wong, have suffered a grievous injustice. They have been fined, imprisoned and publicly disgraced for offences of which they are not guilty. The appellant, in addition, has been deprived of his seat in Parliament and disqualified for a year from practicing his profession. Their Lordships order restores him to the roll of advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court of Singapore, but, because of the course taken by the criminal proceedings, their Lordships have no power to right the other wrongs which the appellant and Wong have suffered. Their only prospect of redress, their Lordships understand, will be by way of petition for pardon to the President of the Republic of Singapore."
After Lee Kuan Yew and his Singapore judicial system was thoroughly exposed as nothing more than a tool for Lee Kuan Yew to destroy his political opponents, by the judges of the highest court in England, Jeyaretnam did as they suggested. He applied for a pardon from the President of Singapore.
Tan Boon Tiek, Lee Kuan Yew's Attorney General dutifully defended his master Lee Kuan Yew, by responding that Jeyaretnam was not deserving of any pardon, because, among other things, he had not shown any remorse contrition or repentance for the crimes he committed! Wait a minute. Am I missing something here? Did not the Privy Council expressly say that Jeyaretnam was not guilty of any crime? If so, why should he show any remorse contrition or repentance? If the Singapore legal system has been discredited, this response alone by the Attorney General was more than sufficient to prove beyond any doubt that the Singapore legal system is nothing more than a tool of Lee Kuan Yew and his government to further their political ends.
But here is where, this man K Shanmugam comes in. Not satisfied with the Attorney General's nonsense to deny JB Jeyaretnam any justice, K Shannmugam weighed in to justify the Attorney General's, or rather his master Lee Kuan Yew’s reasons. He wrote a long legal brief which was dutifully published in Singapore's state controlled press the next day, arguing that the Judges of the Privy Council in England had got it all wrong. According to him, JB Jeyaretnam was indeed guilty of serious criminal breaches of trust and deserved going to jail.
He wanted Singaporean's to believe that he knew more law than five of the highest judges in the highest court in England, who had carefully heard the Jeyartenam case and had categorically declared that he was not guilty at all!
Lee Kuan Yew it is quite clear, rewards loyalty. So immediately after writing this worthless piece of legal brief, we see this man, K Shanmugam, quickly appointed as a Member of Parliament and thereafter, now Minister for Law.
And now in his position as Lee Kuan Yew's Minister for Law, he makes these speeches, just as, I suppose Burma's Minister for Law would make. In his speech at the Committee of Supply Debate in the Singapore Parliament (or should I say, Lee Kuan Yew's Parliament) on Feb 13, 2009 he sets out his plans for what he believes Singapore will become, a great and respected legal hub, a shining example as a legal center dispensing true justice, in the likes of London, Paris and New York! Good heavens, is he thinking of some other country!
In the one party state of Singapore, with a state controlled press, and a state controlled judiciary, he can say anything he wants, just as the military junta can do in Burma. But K Shanmugam should realize that the rest of the world can also read. They are fully aware of what the legal system in Singapore is, just a tool for Lee Kuan Yew to remain in power with the help of his minions such as this man, K Shanmugam.
And this fact has been driven home in the 72 page scathing report of the International Bar Association on Singapore, which did not mince words when they made it very clear that Singapore's judges are corrupt and the courts there are used as a political weapon by Lee Kuan Yew to destroy his opponents.
And according to this government, which claims to have the rule of law on a daily basis, JB Jeyaretnam is a criminal, a cheat and had repeatedly defamed Lee Kuan Yew. Tang Liang Hong who had to flee Singapore after he stood for elections against the Singapore tyrant was ordered to pay more than a million dollars to Lee Kuan Yew and has been since bankrupted. Francis Seow, the former Solicitor General of Singapore was arrested under the Internal Security act, beaten, and convicted of tax evasion by these very same courts. He now lives in United States. I was found guilty more than once of contempt of court, suspended from Law practice for 2 years for insulting the Attorney General, Tan Boon Teik, jailed for insulting judge Belinda Ang for writing a blog post and fined for hurling insults at police officers and shouting at the top of my voice for no apparent reason and gesticulating my arms up and down. This is what Lee Kuan Yew's courts in Singapore claim we did. But there is one common thread among all of us. We were all opposition politicians in Singapore and stood for elections against Lee Kuan Yew. That perhaps is the reason why, according to Lee Kuan Yew’s judges, we are all dangerous criminals too!
K Shanmugam should know that the international community is not an illiterate bunch. They can read all this. They are aware of what goes on in that island. They already know that the Singapore judges willingly abuse the law to punish dissidents. This is not a place that can be a legal hub for anyone. Parties in a lawsuit expect independent judges and arbitrators. Even the slightest suspicion of bias will dissuade anyone from using Singapore. With Lee Kuan Yew having successfully shown the world over the years the depths to which Singapore judges go to abuse the law for political ends, any hope for Singapore to be compared to London is just so much wishful thinking.
At least he admits the legal profession in shrinking. That should be enough for anyone to know the state to which its reputation has descended. In any other country, the law is an attractive profession. Most countries have the problem of an oversupply of lawyers. In Singapore on the other hand, existing lawyers want to leave the profession and there are no new entrants.
In what can be seen as a sign of desperation, he is going to allow the Management University and the national University of Singapore to increase the supply of lawyers. He is going to allow lesser qualified lawyers from abroad to practice there, and to shorten the education necessary for qualification.
K Shanmugam, Lee Kuan Yew's Law Minister should see reality. Making speeches is just not good enough. If you want to Singapore to be a legal hub, then it should behave with dignity. Singapore judges such as Belinda Ang Saw Ean have been shown to be nothing more than tools of Lee Kuan Yew to demolish his opposition as in her recently presided defamation case of Lee Kuan Yew vs. Dr. Chee.
Let me tell this to this man K Shanmugam. You have made a fool of yourself. So has your patron, Lee Kuan Yew. I know it. The world knows it. You can make as many speeches as you want in that Parliament that Lee owns and you can publish as many of your speeches in Singapore’s state controlled press. It is not going to make any difference. Singapore’s legal system stands disgraced. As you do.
You are wasting your time with these pipe dreams at tax payer’s expense. Khartoum, Sudan is not going to be the legal hub of the world. And neither is Singapore going to be like a London of South East Asia. You are doing a great disservice to the great city of London and the respected judges there by comparing Singapore to it. London is the respected bastion of the rule of law. Singapore is another Pyongyang, North Korea.
I think your immediate problem is to make sure that the legal profession does not shrink even further. From anecdotal information, it stands now around 2,500 from double the figure about 10 years ago! It is progressively shrinking. I understand many Singapore lawyers live all over Australia, having left in disgust at the shame or the lack of it of Singapore judges. Surely this is the writing on the wall.
Wake up from your pipe dream, Mr. K Shanmugam.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Firstly, you have to remember who this man K Shanmugam, Lee Kuan Yew's hand picked Minister for Law is. Recall the late respected lawyer and opposition politician, JB Jeyaretnam (not to be confused with his son Philip Jeyaretnam). Through abusing the law using his complaint judges Lee Kuan Yew hounded Jeyaretnam, charging him with criminal offenses of breach of trust, repeatedly suing him for defamation and ordering him to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, sending him to prison, bankrupting him and driving him out his law practice and his seat in Parliament.
When Jeyaretnam appealed to the Privy Council in London, against the Singapore courts finding him guilty of breach of trust which resulted in his disbarment, not only did JB Jeyaretnam win his case, but the law lords did not stop there. This is what they said:
"Their Lordships have to record their deep disquiet that by a series of misjudgments, the appellant and his co-accused Wong, have suffered a grievous injustice. They have been fined, imprisoned and publicly disgraced for offences of which they are not guilty. The appellant, in addition, has been deprived of his seat in Parliament and disqualified for a year from practicing his profession. Their Lordships order restores him to the roll of advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court of Singapore, but, because of the course taken by the criminal proceedings, their Lordships have no power to right the other wrongs which the appellant and Wong have suffered. Their only prospect of redress, their Lordships understand, will be by way of petition for pardon to the President of the Republic of Singapore."
After Lee Kuan Yew and his Singapore judicial system was thoroughly exposed as nothing more than a tool for Lee Kuan Yew to destroy his political opponents, by the judges of the highest court in England, Jeyaretnam did as they suggested. He applied for a pardon from the President of Singapore.
Tan Boon Tiek, Lee Kuan Yew's Attorney General dutifully defended his master Lee Kuan Yew, by responding that Jeyaretnam was not deserving of any pardon, because, among other things, he had not shown any remorse contrition or repentance for the crimes he committed! Wait a minute. Am I missing something here? Did not the Privy Council expressly say that Jeyaretnam was not guilty of any crime? If so, why should he show any remorse contrition or repentance? If the Singapore legal system has been discredited, this response alone by the Attorney General was more than sufficient to prove beyond any doubt that the Singapore legal system is nothing more than a tool of Lee Kuan Yew and his government to further their political ends.
But here is where, this man K Shanmugam comes in. Not satisfied with the Attorney General's nonsense to deny JB Jeyaretnam any justice, K Shannmugam weighed in to justify the Attorney General's, or rather his master Lee Kuan Yew’s reasons. He wrote a long legal brief which was dutifully published in Singapore's state controlled press the next day, arguing that the Judges of the Privy Council in England had got it all wrong. According to him, JB Jeyaretnam was indeed guilty of serious criminal breaches of trust and deserved going to jail.
He wanted Singaporean's to believe that he knew more law than five of the highest judges in the highest court in England, who had carefully heard the Jeyartenam case and had categorically declared that he was not guilty at all!
Lee Kuan Yew it is quite clear, rewards loyalty. So immediately after writing this worthless piece of legal brief, we see this man, K Shanmugam, quickly appointed as a Member of Parliament and thereafter, now Minister for Law.
And now in his position as Lee Kuan Yew's Minister for Law, he makes these speeches, just as, I suppose Burma's Minister for Law would make. In his speech at the Committee of Supply Debate in the Singapore Parliament (or should I say, Lee Kuan Yew's Parliament) on Feb 13, 2009 he sets out his plans for what he believes Singapore will become, a great and respected legal hub, a shining example as a legal center dispensing true justice, in the likes of London, Paris and New York! Good heavens, is he thinking of some other country!
In the one party state of Singapore, with a state controlled press, and a state controlled judiciary, he can say anything he wants, just as the military junta can do in Burma. But K Shanmugam should realize that the rest of the world can also read. They are fully aware of what the legal system in Singapore is, just a tool for Lee Kuan Yew to remain in power with the help of his minions such as this man, K Shanmugam.
And this fact has been driven home in the 72 page scathing report of the International Bar Association on Singapore, which did not mince words when they made it very clear that Singapore's judges are corrupt and the courts there are used as a political weapon by Lee Kuan Yew to destroy his opponents.
And according to this government, which claims to have the rule of law on a daily basis, JB Jeyaretnam is a criminal, a cheat and had repeatedly defamed Lee Kuan Yew. Tang Liang Hong who had to flee Singapore after he stood for elections against the Singapore tyrant was ordered to pay more than a million dollars to Lee Kuan Yew and has been since bankrupted. Francis Seow, the former Solicitor General of Singapore was arrested under the Internal Security act, beaten, and convicted of tax evasion by these very same courts. He now lives in United States. I was found guilty more than once of contempt of court, suspended from Law practice for 2 years for insulting the Attorney General, Tan Boon Teik, jailed for insulting judge Belinda Ang for writing a blog post and fined for hurling insults at police officers and shouting at the top of my voice for no apparent reason and gesticulating my arms up and down. This is what Lee Kuan Yew's courts in Singapore claim we did. But there is one common thread among all of us. We were all opposition politicians in Singapore and stood for elections against Lee Kuan Yew. That perhaps is the reason why, according to Lee Kuan Yew’s judges, we are all dangerous criminals too!
K Shanmugam should know that the international community is not an illiterate bunch. They can read all this. They are aware of what goes on in that island. They already know that the Singapore judges willingly abuse the law to punish dissidents. This is not a place that can be a legal hub for anyone. Parties in a lawsuit expect independent judges and arbitrators. Even the slightest suspicion of bias will dissuade anyone from using Singapore. With Lee Kuan Yew having successfully shown the world over the years the depths to which Singapore judges go to abuse the law for political ends, any hope for Singapore to be compared to London is just so much wishful thinking.
At least he admits the legal profession in shrinking. That should be enough for anyone to know the state to which its reputation has descended. In any other country, the law is an attractive profession. Most countries have the problem of an oversupply of lawyers. In Singapore on the other hand, existing lawyers want to leave the profession and there are no new entrants.
In what can be seen as a sign of desperation, he is going to allow the Management University and the national University of Singapore to increase the supply of lawyers. He is going to allow lesser qualified lawyers from abroad to practice there, and to shorten the education necessary for qualification.
K Shanmugam, Lee Kuan Yew's Law Minister should see reality. Making speeches is just not good enough. If you want to Singapore to be a legal hub, then it should behave with dignity. Singapore judges such as Belinda Ang Saw Ean have been shown to be nothing more than tools of Lee Kuan Yew to demolish his opposition as in her recently presided defamation case of Lee Kuan Yew vs. Dr. Chee.
Let me tell this to this man K Shanmugam. You have made a fool of yourself. So has your patron, Lee Kuan Yew. I know it. The world knows it. You can make as many speeches as you want in that Parliament that Lee owns and you can publish as many of your speeches in Singapore’s state controlled press. It is not going to make any difference. Singapore’s legal system stands disgraced. As you do.
You are wasting your time with these pipe dreams at tax payer’s expense. Khartoum, Sudan is not going to be the legal hub of the world. And neither is Singapore going to be like a London of South East Asia. You are doing a great disservice to the great city of London and the respected judges there by comparing Singapore to it. London is the respected bastion of the rule of law. Singapore is another Pyongyang, North Korea.
I think your immediate problem is to make sure that the legal profession does not shrink even further. From anecdotal information, it stands now around 2,500 from double the figure about 10 years ago! It is progressively shrinking. I understand many Singapore lawyers live all over Australia, having left in disgust at the shame or the lack of it of Singapore judges. Surely this is the writing on the wall.
Wake up from your pipe dream, Mr. K Shanmugam.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Singapore. The need for peaceful protest
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
If you agree that Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore refuses to give you your CPF retirement pensions. If you agree that the poor and unemployed are neglected and in poverty while Lee Kuan Yew and his ministers pay themselves millions. If you agree that Singapore is for the rich foreigners and not for you. If you agree that several billions of dollars have been squandered by Ho Ching, Lee Kuan Yew's son's wife, money that rightfully belongs to you.
If you agree that Lee Kuan Yew's government is not listening to your grievances. If you agree there is no way at present that your grievances will be heard. If you agree that you are suffering in silence.
Then you must act. Then you must realize that the only way you can get justice and fairness is to protest. Peacefully protest without violence. And if you agree that these laws put in place prohibiting peaceful protest, the only available avenue you have, are wrong in law.
Then you must protest now. You must make your voice heard the only way you can. You cannot allow this government to deny you your basic rights.
Lee Kuan Yew is terrified of any protest. Through protest, peacefully, you can make your voices heard.
Exercise your right which the law gives you under the Constitution. Provisions put in place criminalizing these acts are wrong and unacceptable.
Act now. Protest. You can make a better Singapore for yourselves and your future generations. Hold Lee Kuan Yew accountable for his actions. As matters stand, he and his hand picked ministers are unaccountable to anyone. Protesting is your only hope for a better Singapore.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
If you agree that Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore refuses to give you your CPF retirement pensions. If you agree that the poor and unemployed are neglected and in poverty while Lee Kuan Yew and his ministers pay themselves millions. If you agree that Singapore is for the rich foreigners and not for you. If you agree that several billions of dollars have been squandered by Ho Ching, Lee Kuan Yew's son's wife, money that rightfully belongs to you.
If you agree that Lee Kuan Yew's government is not listening to your grievances. If you agree there is no way at present that your grievances will be heard. If you agree that you are suffering in silence.
Then you must act. Then you must realize that the only way you can get justice and fairness is to protest. Peacefully protest without violence. And if you agree that these laws put in place prohibiting peaceful protest, the only available avenue you have, are wrong in law.
Then you must protest now. You must make your voice heard the only way you can. You cannot allow this government to deny you your basic rights.
Lee Kuan Yew is terrified of any protest. Through protest, peacefully, you can make your voices heard.
Exercise your right which the law gives you under the Constitution. Provisions put in place criminalizing these acts are wrong and unacceptable.
Act now. Protest. You can make a better Singapore for yourselves and your future generations. Hold Lee Kuan Yew accountable for his actions. As matters stand, he and his hand picked ministers are unaccountable to anyone. Protesting is your only hope for a better Singapore.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The problem with Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's underlying problem is that Singaporeans are not masters of their destiny. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's dictator, decides what is good for them and what is not. This subservient life is not pleasant. It creates fear; fear of the government. Regardless of what one might feel, it is necessary to accept whatever Lee Kuan Yew and his minions decide for them; because if they complain, they stand to lose lose their liberty, their money, their career, their everything.
This stifling burden compels them to be submissive turning them into a compliant citizenry. It denies independent thinking. Like an obedient slave, they have to accept whatever is thrown at them. If there is change, it comes about through the orders of Lee Kuan Yew and his minions in government. It is they who have the mandate from Heaven, at least that is what they think, and the people's duty is to accept without complaint. It is not a life that any proud young man or woman should want. That is why there is so much unhappiness among Singaporeans. That is why Singaporeans continue to emigrate to Australia and Canada in increasing numbers.
Any foreigner coming to Singapore would undoubtedly be impressed with the Singapore skyline. Tall modern buildings, well paved roads lined with beautiful shrubbery, modern amenities, a clean city. No doubt on the outside very impressive. You cannot fault him if he walks away admiring Singaporeans for their good life.
But you see, man does not live by modern buildings alone. Man needs happiness. Man needs security. Man needs to be able to wake up in the morning knowing the next minute, he will not be thrown in jail because Lee Kuan Yew is displeased. A man needs to know that he can succeed in life through his own ability and hard work, regardless of whether the rulers like him or not.
Success in Singapore comes at an unbearable price; unbearable that is for self respecting upright men and women. It requires not only ability, but one other important qualification; which is total submission to Lee Kuan Yew. One has to publicly endorse every policy and law that Lee Kuan Yew may decide for him. If you are capable and at the same time, are willing to cringe, crawl and flatter, you will see high office, unimaginable wealth. It requires a sheep like character, devoid of any pride, any personal principles of right and wrong, but that of a dumb chameleon willing to change his position on matters that count every minute, in tandem with the latest policies of Lee Kuan Yew.
No one with any self respect, any real ambition to live the life that he wants, to achieve great success though honest hard work and principles, would find it comfortable in Singapore. In short, if you believe in liberty, Singapore is a very unpleasant place to live despite the beautiful buildings, despite the garden city. For those who leave Singapore, tall buildings and modern amenities are not enough. They demand self respect, the most fundamental of human needs, which Lee Kuan Yew denies them.
The most basic rights that anyone in a free society takes for granted are denied in Singapore. The citizen is not given the right to choose the government of his choice. The elections are corrupt and rigged. People who have ability and passion are denied the right to even contest elections, through defamation actions, trumped up criminal charges and vilification in the state controlled press, ordered by Lee Kuan Yew, leaving only those whom he approves eligible to stand for office. Lee Kuan Yew and his government, plainly put, does not represent the people, because they are not the people's choice. Examples of this are many including JB Jeyaretnam, not to be confused with his son Philip Jeyaretnam, Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Tang Liang Hong, Francis Seow and the list goes on; men whom the people, had they a choice, would have chosen as their leaders.
Singapore does not have a free press, no freedom of speech or assembly, no way in which independent thinking can see the light of day. What you read is what Lee Kuan Yew wants you to read. You cannot publish a letter which is critical of Lee Kuan Yew or his policies for fear of defamation actions and trumped up criminal charges.
There is of course, the avenue for the citizen to voice his problems to Members of Parliament at the weekly meet the people sessions. But it usually does no good, since Lee Kuan Yew's politician cannot fearlessly defend your cause, as doing so will undoubtedly result in his own downfall. So, in these sessions, Lee Kuan Yew goes through the pretence of advancing the citizen's interest when in actual fact, there is really nothing that happens; and week after week this charade of meet the people goes on, and the people's wants continue being ignored.
Take employment. There are no laws that guarantee fair employment practices. A man can be fired for no reason at all, at the whim of the employer. There are no labor laws to protect against unfair dismissal. Today you may have a job, and tomorrow you are on the street.
There is no social security, that is worth mentioning. Lee Kuan Yew takes pride in Singapore not being a welfare state, or rather relishes the fact that a citizen and his children are left to their fate; a cruel, diabolical and sadistic philosophy of life. A man, a sole breadwinner in the family, with a wife and three young children stand to be thrown into poverty the next minute through job loss, and Lee Kuan Yew does not see any need to protect them. Malay and Indian Singaporeans are heard to complain that they have been thrown out of their jobs, or not even hired because preference is given to Chinese Singaporeans by their Chinese employers. If such discrimination exists, these people have no recourse against their employers. The courts will not hear such cases. They have no choice but to make do as best they can. Any other country worth it's salt, will have laws to prevent such injustice, they will have state welfare benefits to ensure a reasonable living standard for the unemployed. It is not correct to say there is no help from the government at all. The unemployed are paid a few hundred dollars but how does anyone with a wife and three young children survive on $300.00 a month?
The people have completely lost faith in the administration of justice. The courts, with judges like Belinda Ang Saw Ean, about whom I had written earlier in this blog are seen as Lee Kuan Yew's tools to eliminate Lee Kuan Yew's political opponents, as she had shamelessly shown, through her bias in the May 2008 case of Lee Kuan Yew verses Dr. Chee Soon Juan. Every Singaporean full well knows that criticism of Lee Kuan Yew and his government or his unjust courts will inevitably result in his arrest, conviction and imprisonment or his impecuniosity through a defamation of character lawsuit.
In any other society, where you are denied the right to complain against injustice, where the law courts are unwilling to hear your plight, where you are summoned to the courts and sent to jail or impoverished through false cases, where you cannot voice your dissatisfaction to the newspapers, may want to take his grievances to the street, through public protest, as a last resort. But even that is denied in Singapore because even peaceful protest is illegal.
In the end, the Singaporean finds himself trapped in a vice from which there is no escape. He has to submit and accept Lee Kuan Yew's plans for him through his handpicked ministers, who do not represent anyone but Lee Kuan Yew.
This is not a life that a proud upstanding young man or woman would want. That is why, as was reported in the state controlled newspapers, you see the growing phenomenon of citizens punching their members of Parliament, sending death threats to them and even dousing them with gasoline and setting them ablaze, as was the fate of Lee Kuan Yew's Member of Parliament for Yio Chu Kang recently. And that is why increasing numbers of young men and women are joining the growing ranks of activists and publicly protesting knowing that they are breaking the law, an unjust law. And that is why the Australian Embassy and the Canadian Embassy are receiving increasing numbers wanting to settle in their countries. And that is why shops selling suitcases are showing increasing sales.
Let me make one thing clear. The only reason why I can write the way I do is because I live in the United States. Lee Kuan Yew knows he is powerless to act against me here in the US. Had I written this this way in Singapore, I would have long ago been sued charged convicted, impoverished and imprisoned. That is why being outside Singapore enables me to say what I want to say, without having to wake up the next morning in mortal fear of my fate. That is why I am happy and content with my life.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's underlying problem is that Singaporeans are not masters of their destiny. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's dictator, decides what is good for them and what is not. This subservient life is not pleasant. It creates fear; fear of the government. Regardless of what one might feel, it is necessary to accept whatever Lee Kuan Yew and his minions decide for them; because if they complain, they stand to lose lose their liberty, their money, their career, their everything.
This stifling burden compels them to be submissive turning them into a compliant citizenry. It denies independent thinking. Like an obedient slave, they have to accept whatever is thrown at them. If there is change, it comes about through the orders of Lee Kuan Yew and his minions in government. It is they who have the mandate from Heaven, at least that is what they think, and the people's duty is to accept without complaint. It is not a life that any proud young man or woman should want. That is why there is so much unhappiness among Singaporeans. That is why Singaporeans continue to emigrate to Australia and Canada in increasing numbers.
Any foreigner coming to Singapore would undoubtedly be impressed with the Singapore skyline. Tall modern buildings, well paved roads lined with beautiful shrubbery, modern amenities, a clean city. No doubt on the outside very impressive. You cannot fault him if he walks away admiring Singaporeans for their good life.
But you see, man does not live by modern buildings alone. Man needs happiness. Man needs security. Man needs to be able to wake up in the morning knowing the next minute, he will not be thrown in jail because Lee Kuan Yew is displeased. A man needs to know that he can succeed in life through his own ability and hard work, regardless of whether the rulers like him or not.
Success in Singapore comes at an unbearable price; unbearable that is for self respecting upright men and women. It requires not only ability, but one other important qualification; which is total submission to Lee Kuan Yew. One has to publicly endorse every policy and law that Lee Kuan Yew may decide for him. If you are capable and at the same time, are willing to cringe, crawl and flatter, you will see high office, unimaginable wealth. It requires a sheep like character, devoid of any pride, any personal principles of right and wrong, but that of a dumb chameleon willing to change his position on matters that count every minute, in tandem with the latest policies of Lee Kuan Yew.
No one with any self respect, any real ambition to live the life that he wants, to achieve great success though honest hard work and principles, would find it comfortable in Singapore. In short, if you believe in liberty, Singapore is a very unpleasant place to live despite the beautiful buildings, despite the garden city. For those who leave Singapore, tall buildings and modern amenities are not enough. They demand self respect, the most fundamental of human needs, which Lee Kuan Yew denies them.
The most basic rights that anyone in a free society takes for granted are denied in Singapore. The citizen is not given the right to choose the government of his choice. The elections are corrupt and rigged. People who have ability and passion are denied the right to even contest elections, through defamation actions, trumped up criminal charges and vilification in the state controlled press, ordered by Lee Kuan Yew, leaving only those whom he approves eligible to stand for office. Lee Kuan Yew and his government, plainly put, does not represent the people, because they are not the people's choice. Examples of this are many including JB Jeyaretnam, not to be confused with his son Philip Jeyaretnam, Dr. Chee Soon Juan, Tang Liang Hong, Francis Seow and the list goes on; men whom the people, had they a choice, would have chosen as their leaders.
Singapore does not have a free press, no freedom of speech or assembly, no way in which independent thinking can see the light of day. What you read is what Lee Kuan Yew wants you to read. You cannot publish a letter which is critical of Lee Kuan Yew or his policies for fear of defamation actions and trumped up criminal charges.
There is of course, the avenue for the citizen to voice his problems to Members of Parliament at the weekly meet the people sessions. But it usually does no good, since Lee Kuan Yew's politician cannot fearlessly defend your cause, as doing so will undoubtedly result in his own downfall. So, in these sessions, Lee Kuan Yew goes through the pretence of advancing the citizen's interest when in actual fact, there is really nothing that happens; and week after week this charade of meet the people goes on, and the people's wants continue being ignored.
Take employment. There are no laws that guarantee fair employment practices. A man can be fired for no reason at all, at the whim of the employer. There are no labor laws to protect against unfair dismissal. Today you may have a job, and tomorrow you are on the street.
There is no social security, that is worth mentioning. Lee Kuan Yew takes pride in Singapore not being a welfare state, or rather relishes the fact that a citizen and his children are left to their fate; a cruel, diabolical and sadistic philosophy of life. A man, a sole breadwinner in the family, with a wife and three young children stand to be thrown into poverty the next minute through job loss, and Lee Kuan Yew does not see any need to protect them. Malay and Indian Singaporeans are heard to complain that they have been thrown out of their jobs, or not even hired because preference is given to Chinese Singaporeans by their Chinese employers. If such discrimination exists, these people have no recourse against their employers. The courts will not hear such cases. They have no choice but to make do as best they can. Any other country worth it's salt, will have laws to prevent such injustice, they will have state welfare benefits to ensure a reasonable living standard for the unemployed. It is not correct to say there is no help from the government at all. The unemployed are paid a few hundred dollars but how does anyone with a wife and three young children survive on $300.00 a month?
The people have completely lost faith in the administration of justice. The courts, with judges like Belinda Ang Saw Ean, about whom I had written earlier in this blog are seen as Lee Kuan Yew's tools to eliminate Lee Kuan Yew's political opponents, as she had shamelessly shown, through her bias in the May 2008 case of Lee Kuan Yew verses Dr. Chee Soon Juan. Every Singaporean full well knows that criticism of Lee Kuan Yew and his government or his unjust courts will inevitably result in his arrest, conviction and imprisonment or his impecuniosity through a defamation of character lawsuit.
In any other society, where you are denied the right to complain against injustice, where the law courts are unwilling to hear your plight, where you are summoned to the courts and sent to jail or impoverished through false cases, where you cannot voice your dissatisfaction to the newspapers, may want to take his grievances to the street, through public protest, as a last resort. But even that is denied in Singapore because even peaceful protest is illegal.
In the end, the Singaporean finds himself trapped in a vice from which there is no escape. He has to submit and accept Lee Kuan Yew's plans for him through his handpicked ministers, who do not represent anyone but Lee Kuan Yew.
This is not a life that a proud upstanding young man or woman would want. That is why, as was reported in the state controlled newspapers, you see the growing phenomenon of citizens punching their members of Parliament, sending death threats to them and even dousing them with gasoline and setting them ablaze, as was the fate of Lee Kuan Yew's Member of Parliament for Yio Chu Kang recently. And that is why increasing numbers of young men and women are joining the growing ranks of activists and publicly protesting knowing that they are breaking the law, an unjust law. And that is why the Australian Embassy and the Canadian Embassy are receiving increasing numbers wanting to settle in their countries. And that is why shops selling suitcases are showing increasing sales.
Let me make one thing clear. The only reason why I can write the way I do is because I live in the United States. Lee Kuan Yew knows he is powerless to act against me here in the US. Had I written this this way in Singapore, I would have long ago been sued charged convicted, impoverished and imprisoned. That is why being outside Singapore enables me to say what I want to say, without having to wake up the next morning in mortal fear of my fate. That is why I am happy and content with my life.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Lee Kuan Yew's grandiose speeches in a desperate Singapore
Readers of this blog who are unfamiliar with the goings on in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, may think reading the comments that there are many who think Singapore is a democracy based on the rule of law. The reader is warned that they may be Singapore government employees whose job is to discredit those who criticize Lee Kuan Yew's authoritarian rule. Please use your discretion as to how much weight you will give these comments.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, as you know, not only owns but controls each and every news media in Singapore, a country totally without a free press, a position he has insisted right from his earliest days as Prime Minister. The main newspaper in Singapore, the Straits Times reports on Feb 7, 2009 "We'll survive the recession". It refers to a speech he made at Tanjong Pagar Constituency recently. In spite of the worst recession in the history of the country, he says Singaporeans have nothing to worry about, and as always, Singaporeans will come out of it victorious and prosperous.
What he fails to mention is that this is nothing more than a pipe dream, in the desperate circumstances of Singapore today.
What a country needs above everything else is an engaged and intelligent citizenry, interested and loyal to their country, able to think and articulate ideas, and with the combined effort of all, the country moves ahead through good times and bad, somehow able to survive and flourish.
Singapore does not have this fundamental requirement of a thinking and engaged population. Lee Kuan Yew has made himself the dictator. And as all dictators, he has made it abundantly clear that he will not tolerate contrary opinion. He will not tolerate free speech. Over the years since 1959, through systematically punishing those who disagreed, and sending them to jail in increasing numbers, he has effectively silenced the entire population of Singapore except for a handful of martyrs who are prepared to go to jail for it. And the rest, an entire population have been silenced, the only ones speaking being those who tow the line, sing praises to the dictator and succeed through false pretences.
Over the years he has perfected the trick of killing a chicken to frighten the monkeys. Today a handful of government scholars who are given ministerial positions plan the future of Singapore, in isolation from their lofty offices, completely detached from the man on the street or his aspirations; a planning that complies with and obeys Lee Kuan Yew's dictates. Whereas the rest of Singapore patiently wait to know what is next in store for them.
Look at the upright honest Singaporeans who have tried to speak but have been promptly silenced and destroyed. JB Jeyaretnam, not to be confused with this son, Philip Jeyaretnam, was a respected politician whose ideas were of great use to Singapore. But since what he said was not pleasing to Lee Kuan Yew's ears, he is sued bankrupted and sent to prison. Dr. Chee Soon Juan of the Singapore Democratic Party is a highly educated neuropsychologist passionate about his country, but sadly, one whose ideas did not comport with that of Lee. So he faces constant harassment, defamation actions and criminal charges, sent to jail and bankrupted. His voice is not given the light of day.
For a country to survive the vagaries of fortune, it needs their people's input, their ideas, their passion and their love for the country. Lee Kuan Yew has destroyed the thinking man. No one in Singapore dares to be candid about anything. The only voices that are heard are those of PAP politicians, Lee Kuan Yew's minions who dutifully parrot his views to advance their careers, because that is the only way to succeed in a country where he has a monopoly on the thought process.
The average man in Singapore is completely detached from policy making. He cannot print a newspaper and sell them to the public, because that activity is illegal. There are a few who express their opinions on the Internet but they do this under assumed names, afraid to say who they are because of what will happen to them.
And you have seen the mess that Singapore is in now, with Lee Kuan Yew's minions who have had the monopoly on the thought process. The country is in shambles. Far too much concentration spent of foreign companies expecting them to take care of Singaporeans. This dire situation would not have come to pass, if everyone was given his share of dignity.
In a society where the law is abused for political ends, where judges such as Belinda Ang Saw Ean blatantly abuse the law to remove Lee Kuan Yew's critics, where the police force is used as a political weapon to apprehend and convict his critics, an entire people have been silenced and completely divorced from engaging in political discourse; in a situation like this, how do you expect the country to solve the myriad of problems that face it. The average man in Singapore today is merely a follower. He goes to his work and does what he is told, day after day, with no other opinions about anything except his personal matters. Such a population cannot ever expect to face the challenges that any country faces through it's journey.
His was a speech which was nothing more than a series of blank statements of greatness mixed with complete inaccuracies. He should be told that merely making grandiose speeches is not enough. He has to face reality for once. Leaving aside the blank assurances of hope, his statements, some of which are clearly false has to be looked at.
He says the younger generation, like their predecessors will guide the country ahead, but he fails to mention that this younger generation are only capable of repeating his opinions and nothing else. It would have made no difference if they were all removed and Lee Kuan Yew did all the thinking, a one man show, which is what Singapore really is.
He takes pride in saying, in the past there was only $100 million in reserves and now there is more than $100 billion. Although we do not know for sure whether this money actually exists or if it is a figment of his imagination; even if it exists, what good is it, when you have a system of government where only a selected few make decisions, decisions which have to be first approved by the supreme dictator, Lee Kuan Yew? You might lose everything the next minute with a government such as this, and in any case, it does look as if it will all be lost anyway with the economy in the state that it is.
He says the parents of Singaporeans managed to struggle through difficult times and advanced their country. True, but the earlier generations had a stake in their country. They contributed to it's advancement because then, people still believed that Singapore was worth fighting for. They respected their public institutions. They respected their courts for administering justice. They respected their civil service for serving society. They respected their police for administering the law. So they worked hard for the country to which they belonged.
It is completely different today. No one today has any faith or respect in their judges when they see them shamelessly abusing the law to silence Lee's political opponents. They have no respect at all for the police force which is used to round up Lee's critics. No respect at all for the civil service which favors government cronies over others. No respect at all for Lee Kuan Yew and his minions including his hand picked president, SR Nathan who pay themselves salaries which amount to several million dollars a year. An entire nation has withdrawn from their civic responsibility. This is not a generation that can do anything, let alone save Singapore from the shambles it now is in.
Admitting the sad fact that emigration is draining the educated from Singapore in unacceptable numbers, he tries to stem the tide by saying foreign countries in Asia are worse than Singapore except Japan. But he fails to mention Australia and Canada to which overwhelming emigrants from Singapore go to. These countries must obviously be better than Singapore, or else why do more and more Singaporeans go to them?
He talks about the Resilience Package to help the increasing numbers of poor and unemployed. But the mechanism as to how this is done is not explained, except that a great fanfare is made in the local press each time one of his Members of Parliament dishes out $100.00 on rare occasions to someone or other. As proof that this is not clearly sufficient are the recent instances of a man punching a politician and subsequently dousing him with gasoline and setting him alight. Only yesterday another man was arrested for sending a death threat to another politician and a few weeks ago, a man had written on a sign outside Parliament "I love you Harry Lee" and "Come sue me Lee Kuan Yew'. Under Singapore's draconian barbarous laws, this man will be tortured by caning.
It would be wise for Lee Kuan Yew to face reality for once. You cannot expect to overcome any national difficulty unless you have got the people of Singapore on board. And as long as he is determined to hold a monopoly on the political thought process, Singapore will be going from one calamity to another. And making stirring speeches will not be good enough.
Another dictator also made great and stirring speeches when everyone knew all was lost. That was Adolf Hitler.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, as you know, not only owns but controls each and every news media in Singapore, a country totally without a free press, a position he has insisted right from his earliest days as Prime Minister. The main newspaper in Singapore, the Straits Times reports on Feb 7, 2009 "We'll survive the recession". It refers to a speech he made at Tanjong Pagar Constituency recently. In spite of the worst recession in the history of the country, he says Singaporeans have nothing to worry about, and as always, Singaporeans will come out of it victorious and prosperous.
What he fails to mention is that this is nothing more than a pipe dream, in the desperate circumstances of Singapore today.
What a country needs above everything else is an engaged and intelligent citizenry, interested and loyal to their country, able to think and articulate ideas, and with the combined effort of all, the country moves ahead through good times and bad, somehow able to survive and flourish.
Singapore does not have this fundamental requirement of a thinking and engaged population. Lee Kuan Yew has made himself the dictator. And as all dictators, he has made it abundantly clear that he will not tolerate contrary opinion. He will not tolerate free speech. Over the years since 1959, through systematically punishing those who disagreed, and sending them to jail in increasing numbers, he has effectively silenced the entire population of Singapore except for a handful of martyrs who are prepared to go to jail for it. And the rest, an entire population have been silenced, the only ones speaking being those who tow the line, sing praises to the dictator and succeed through false pretences.
Over the years he has perfected the trick of killing a chicken to frighten the monkeys. Today a handful of government scholars who are given ministerial positions plan the future of Singapore, in isolation from their lofty offices, completely detached from the man on the street or his aspirations; a planning that complies with and obeys Lee Kuan Yew's dictates. Whereas the rest of Singapore patiently wait to know what is next in store for them.
Look at the upright honest Singaporeans who have tried to speak but have been promptly silenced and destroyed. JB Jeyaretnam, not to be confused with this son, Philip Jeyaretnam, was a respected politician whose ideas were of great use to Singapore. But since what he said was not pleasing to Lee Kuan Yew's ears, he is sued bankrupted and sent to prison. Dr. Chee Soon Juan of the Singapore Democratic Party is a highly educated neuropsychologist passionate about his country, but sadly, one whose ideas did not comport with that of Lee. So he faces constant harassment, defamation actions and criminal charges, sent to jail and bankrupted. His voice is not given the light of day.
For a country to survive the vagaries of fortune, it needs their people's input, their ideas, their passion and their love for the country. Lee Kuan Yew has destroyed the thinking man. No one in Singapore dares to be candid about anything. The only voices that are heard are those of PAP politicians, Lee Kuan Yew's minions who dutifully parrot his views to advance their careers, because that is the only way to succeed in a country where he has a monopoly on the thought process.
The average man in Singapore is completely detached from policy making. He cannot print a newspaper and sell them to the public, because that activity is illegal. There are a few who express their opinions on the Internet but they do this under assumed names, afraid to say who they are because of what will happen to them.
And you have seen the mess that Singapore is in now, with Lee Kuan Yew's minions who have had the monopoly on the thought process. The country is in shambles. Far too much concentration spent of foreign companies expecting them to take care of Singaporeans. This dire situation would not have come to pass, if everyone was given his share of dignity.
In a society where the law is abused for political ends, where judges such as Belinda Ang Saw Ean blatantly abuse the law to remove Lee Kuan Yew's critics, where the police force is used as a political weapon to apprehend and convict his critics, an entire people have been silenced and completely divorced from engaging in political discourse; in a situation like this, how do you expect the country to solve the myriad of problems that face it. The average man in Singapore today is merely a follower. He goes to his work and does what he is told, day after day, with no other opinions about anything except his personal matters. Such a population cannot ever expect to face the challenges that any country faces through it's journey.
His was a speech which was nothing more than a series of blank statements of greatness mixed with complete inaccuracies. He should be told that merely making grandiose speeches is not enough. He has to face reality for once. Leaving aside the blank assurances of hope, his statements, some of which are clearly false has to be looked at.
He says the younger generation, like their predecessors will guide the country ahead, but he fails to mention that this younger generation are only capable of repeating his opinions and nothing else. It would have made no difference if they were all removed and Lee Kuan Yew did all the thinking, a one man show, which is what Singapore really is.
He takes pride in saying, in the past there was only $100 million in reserves and now there is more than $100 billion. Although we do not know for sure whether this money actually exists or if it is a figment of his imagination; even if it exists, what good is it, when you have a system of government where only a selected few make decisions, decisions which have to be first approved by the supreme dictator, Lee Kuan Yew? You might lose everything the next minute with a government such as this, and in any case, it does look as if it will all be lost anyway with the economy in the state that it is.
He says the parents of Singaporeans managed to struggle through difficult times and advanced their country. True, but the earlier generations had a stake in their country. They contributed to it's advancement because then, people still believed that Singapore was worth fighting for. They respected their public institutions. They respected their courts for administering justice. They respected their civil service for serving society. They respected their police for administering the law. So they worked hard for the country to which they belonged.
It is completely different today. No one today has any faith or respect in their judges when they see them shamelessly abusing the law to silence Lee's political opponents. They have no respect at all for the police force which is used to round up Lee's critics. No respect at all for the civil service which favors government cronies over others. No respect at all for Lee Kuan Yew and his minions including his hand picked president, SR Nathan who pay themselves salaries which amount to several million dollars a year. An entire nation has withdrawn from their civic responsibility. This is not a generation that can do anything, let alone save Singapore from the shambles it now is in.
Admitting the sad fact that emigration is draining the educated from Singapore in unacceptable numbers, he tries to stem the tide by saying foreign countries in Asia are worse than Singapore except Japan. But he fails to mention Australia and Canada to which overwhelming emigrants from Singapore go to. These countries must obviously be better than Singapore, or else why do more and more Singaporeans go to them?
He talks about the Resilience Package to help the increasing numbers of poor and unemployed. But the mechanism as to how this is done is not explained, except that a great fanfare is made in the local press each time one of his Members of Parliament dishes out $100.00 on rare occasions to someone or other. As proof that this is not clearly sufficient are the recent instances of a man punching a politician and subsequently dousing him with gasoline and setting him alight. Only yesterday another man was arrested for sending a death threat to another politician and a few weeks ago, a man had written on a sign outside Parliament "I love you Harry Lee" and "Come sue me Lee Kuan Yew'. Under Singapore's draconian barbarous laws, this man will be tortured by caning.
It would be wise for Lee Kuan Yew to face reality for once. You cannot expect to overcome any national difficulty unless you have got the people of Singapore on board. And as long as he is determined to hold a monopoly on the political thought process, Singapore will be going from one calamity to another. And making stirring speeches will not be good enough.
Another dictator also made great and stirring speeches when everyone knew all was lost. That was Adolf Hitler.
Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914
Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.
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