Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Singapore, not for Indians or Malays

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Two days ago the state owned and controlled Singapore newspaper reported Singapore's ruler Lee Kuan Yew stressing the importance of bilingualism. You correctly guessed that when he said bilingualism, he meant Chinese and English; not Tamil and English or Malay. As far as the Singapore supremo is concerned, he has no intention of even thinking about you Malays and Indians.

Although this is no doubt outright racial discrimination, it all happened with Lee Kuan Yew realising, albeit mistakenly that Malays and Indians are by nature, not so compliant as the Chinese Confucianists whose characteristic, he wrongly believed, was the ability to kowtow to authority; in Singapore's case to kowtow to Lee Kuan Yew.

But truly, his view of the Chinese was wrong as Hong Kong has shown. Even though ethnic Chinese, Hong Kong citizens have bravely stood their ground with massive public demonstrations whenever the Communist Chinese tried to erode their rights they were accustomed to under the British.

In Singapore today, every government department, every private organization either openly, with job ads requiring knowledge of Mandarin, or subtly, slowly but surely have marginalized the Malay and Indian community. Today in Singapore regardless of how qualified you are, a Malay or Indian continues one rung below the dominant Lee Kuan Yew favoured Chinese race.

But the Chinese educated too are unhappy with these racially discriminatory policies and for numerous other reasons including the lack of human rights, the vast majority have simply emigrated and left the island, principally to Australia or Canada.

At the same time, the reproductive rate among the Chinese being particularly low which results in the Chinese population actually shrinking. At the same time, the educated Indians and Malays are emigrating as well, finding it unacceptable to accept the blatant bald discrimination.

The end result of this dissatisfaction among the educated Chinese, the Malays and Indians coupled with the dearth in childbirth, is that there are simply not enough skilled people to do the jobs, leaving the government no other choice but to bring in foreigners to fill the vacuum.

In the past, to keep the Singapore population principally Chinese, Lee Kuan Yew relied on massive immigration of Malaysian Chinese. But just as any finite source, this supply of Chinese Malaysians has also bottomed out, one because all the Chinese there wanting to leave have already left, and secondly, the Malaysian Chinese themselves consider coming to Singapore an equally disastrous decision, as if they were jumping from the frying pan into the fire; or from one dictatorship to another.

Which therefore leaves Lee Kuan Yew no choice but to turn exclusively to one country alone where immigrants can still be attracted, Communist China. Problem here of course is they know no English.

Today you see the irritation, annoyance and desperation in the Malays and Indians having to deal everday with these imported mainland Chinese. The moment they come in, they are given immediate citizenship. You find them in the entire spectrum of employment, from dishwashers in the food stalls, to prostitutes in Geylang the red light district to doctors in hospitals. And all of them cannot speak a word of English, let alone Malay or Tamil.

Today the Malay steps into a bus, finding the bus driver a Communist Chinese import, who speaks no English at all. The Malay is unable to get any advice whether the bus goes to Nee Soon Garrison. All he gets from him is a blank stare. And what good is that, you tell me that.

The Indian goes into the hospital with an appendicitis case. He is confronted with a Chinese doctor who speaks no English. What satisfaction does the Indian get for being a citizen of Singapore, in a Singapore hospital.

Another Indian boards the bus stop at Tekka wanting to go to Woodlands. He asks the Chinese from China bus driver with no English whatsoever, whether it goes there. The driver nods either deliberately or by mistake, not knowing a word the Indian spoke. Finally the Indian ends up, instead of Woodlands but at Changi Cargo Complex! Naturally he gets upset and confronts the bus driver, who in turn yells at the Indian Mandarin vulgarities. The Indian too gets upset at the way the Chinese man is behaving. Having only recently downed a good measure of Scotch at Tekka, he decided to give the China man a broken nose, and ends up in Court 26, Subordinate Court on charges of assault and battery. This is a true story by the way. Nothing like this would have happened if the bus driver knew some English like a good bus driver should in Singapore.

But I am sure you see my point. Singapore was never meant to be a Chinese speaking city. It was supposed to be an English speaking place with the Chinese Indians and Malays speaking their languages at home, not in public, which should not be done.

And this situation of Malays and Indians becoming completely lost in their own country is getting worse, as Lee Kuan Yew the Singapore bully has wowed to flood the island with Mandarin speaking ethnic Chinese, from every job you can imagine from shoe shine boys to bank managers. So unless the Malays and Indians go out now and enroll themselves in crash courses like "Mandarin in 48 hours", they are going to be left completely high and dry.

Personally, although I find the study of languages a useful endeavour, the study of Mandarin is not at the top of my list. If I had to chose, I would say French is particularly fascinating and secondly Arabic.

And Mandarin may even have a deleterious effect on your other languages as shown by the fact that Chinese have a great difficulty in pronunciation, eg. saying "fried rice" only being able to manage "flied lice" or "Lichard" instead of "Richard". I understand is has something to do with being able to twist your tongue.

The best joke on this went something like this. American goes to Chinese eye doctor. Chinese doctor tells him he has a "cataract". The American tells him that that is not the case. He says he drives a Lincoln Continental. The Chinese doctor could only manage to say "Cadillac" for "cataract"!

Something particularly hilarious the last time I was in Singapore in 2008, at Kopitiam, Killiney Road, the Chinese coffee shop which was not far from my house in Singapore as a child, I asked the Chinese waiter what he had. He said "gla jelly". No matter how much I tried, I simply could not know what he meant, when on checking the menu, I realised it was "Grass Jelly".

Without proper ease of communication among the races in Singapore, it is not advancing but is sliding backwards. The Malays and Indians should realise they have no place in a declining Chinese Singapore and simply get out. In any case, it is simply a boring place with these mainland Chinese instant citizens with their communist one track brainwashed minds.

Lee Kuan Yew's aspirations for his Singapore is to be no more than a satellite Chinese city which services the Peoples Republic of China, nothing more than that. All the good thinking people have left and all you have left behind are either the department store yes sir dummies, the sycophants or the Chinese human imports.

Not a fantastic place by any reckoning.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Singapore, least livable island.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state controlled newspaper, the Straits Times online edition of July 29, 2010 has the story "Singapore still top city to live in". I am not sure how or why whoever thought of this, but I can tell you they cannot be further from the truth.

For instance, I for one cannot live in Singapore at all, not just a case of livability, because I have been banned from ever going there! And why because I wrote an article in this blog which was not completely flattering of one of Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew's judges in 2008.

And neither can Tang Liang Hong live there because he too, like me, had said something that Lee Kuan Yew or his son did not like. He is in Australia.

And there are several more like me in countries all over the world who have been banished from Singapore because Lee Kuan Yew did not particularly like them.

And not counting those who have been officially banned from entering that island like me, there are as many as a million or more Singaporeans who have found Singapore totally unlivable and voluntarily packed their bags and left for Singapore airport, for a flight out, permanently.

What is even more revealing, another study not too long ago among young Singaporeans revealed the shocking fact that almost all of them given a chance want to get out of Singapore and live elsewhere. They simply hate Singapore, not just a case of finding it livable or unlivable.

Surely if you live in a country, you expect to have some peace, quiet and some dignity. You have none of that in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew can get his lackeys to have you arrested at his whim, never mind any laws, since he is the law. You can only live there without being molested by his police if you are prepared to be silent and not complain about his $ 4 million dollar salary, same for his son and his family members; if you are prepared to accept a life without any freedom of speech, assembly, association, constitution or the press. You can only live in the place provided you accept that Lee Kuan Yew is God and he is entitled to do anything to you anytime.

Most people, unless you are a dummy, is not prepared to live like that. For them, Singapore is not just unlivable, it is a dumb stupid boring place. It is a place where dummies and those who have no respect at all for themselves can live; living as slaves and worshipping Lee Kuan Yew and son daily, making sure everything you say is flattering of the duo.

You know, a sort of Lee Kuan Yew version of Orwellian doublespeak.

It is also livable for foreign merchants who temporarily do business in Singapore since it is, afterall, not their home. Which means they won't care one bit if Singapore was run by a bunch of dummies as long as they can make some money. If it is profitable in Pyongyang, they will go there too.

But for anyone with a head and some self respect, Singapore is not just unlivable, it is the worst place on Earth.

In my case, I would like to visit it if possible, but Lee Kuan Yew won't allow even that. It appears I have clearly upset him.

But this is what I want to tell the Big Boy. I may not be able to come to Singapore. But at least in California I can live with my dignity intact.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Singapore a flooded city

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state controlled newspaper's online edition of June 28, 2010 has the story "Singapore cannot be flood free". The until recently very silent, Lee Kuan Yew's son finally admitted it; that parts of Singapore, already tiny as it is, will be underwater on a regular basis.

The most damaging fact is that the prime shopping location of Singapore, the Orchard Road Scotts Road junction, which has the most expensive land with the most expensive shopping in the entire island is sadly also in one of the lowest areas of the island; meaning it is going to be flooded very often. What we saw there a few days ago is not going to be unexpected anymore, it is going to be the norm.

Unfortunately for Lee Kuan Yew and son who run the place, it is also where the most expensive international brands names, Emelldo Guuci, Roberto Idioci and Italiano Mafiosi or whatever other Italian fancy name you can think of are located. During the last 2 floodings there, only a few days apart, millions had been lost.

I understand that many if not all these fancy Italians no longer want to do business in an underwater location. They have packed up, cancelled their leases and left for parts of the world still on dry land.

If Singapore's premier father and son team who run Singapore want to be honest, they should zone these flood prone areas as uninhabitable for floods, compensate both landlords and tentants and assist them to depart Singapore without loss.

Large tracts of Singapore, small as it is, are clearly unsuitable for habitation for flood; Bukit Timah, Orchard, Serangoon Road and several other locations.

Mohammad Mustafa Samsuddin in Serangoon Road reported heavy losses due to flooding on ground level. The cheap 2 penny Tamil food stalls in Veerasamy Road were all damaged by water in several thousands of dollars almost 2 days in a row, and the Tamils there are so worried seriously considering whether to pack now and catch Indian Airlines.

The Chinese in Hong Kong Street Chinatown are similarly thinking of calling it a day and boarding Air China for good.

These concerns of permanent flooding is no longer imaginary, it is now real. Never has so much flooding occurred in Singapore as it does now. And if there is so much rain in June, which is normally considered a dry month in the South West Monsoon, what is going to happen during the North East in December, you tell me that.

In a dictatorship like Singapore run by the father and son team, it is impossible to say anything edgeways anyway, since they think they know all. And this is exactly why these pompous fools have led Singapore into the state it is in, a permanent watery mess.

The reasons which they conveniently put forward such as insufficient drainage is clearly wrong, either because they are ignorant or because they are dishonest. Regardless of how much drainage you have, the fact remains Singapore is a very low lying island, being only a few inches above sea level. Second, the heat generated over Singapore partly due to global warming and partly due to construction of massive concrete structures means a great deal of heat in the atmosphere.

This means the air can withstand much more water vapour, the sea level rises through expansion because the water sea water temperature is very high, and finally the rain now occurring is not monsoonal but due to daily condensation, cooling and precipitation.

So what you have is daily rain after the land surface has heated in the morning and huge deluge of water in the afternoon after moisture condenses and cools into massive quantities of rain. No matter what father or son do, the water simply cannot flow out to sea because with the tides, the water from the sea is coming in.

I bet with a few more days of these floods in a row with millions of dollars lost by exclusive Imeldo Moroni or Italiano Idioci, there would be no longer any more business in Orchard Road. It may be better to turn the entire place into a water sports hub called Singapori Absoluti Idiotic City.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Singapore, "Law Drama" starring Oliver Fricker.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state controlled newspaper The Straits Times of June 26, 2010 has the story of Swiss graffiti artist Oliver Fricker, titled "Jailed 5 months and caning" about his being sentenced to 5 months of imprisonment and 3 strokes of the cane for tagging graffiti on a Singapore train.

But my feeling is, suprising as it may seem, he is not going to be caned at all. He has recently appealed and usually it would take at least a month before the caning happens. In the meantime, his lawyer will do the usual routines for Fricker to claim various reasons why he should not be caned. And the High Court will conclude that Fricker is someone undeserving of the high honor of a beating, and will be spared.

This is why I call this whole thing a Singapore drama. Singapore's judges are corrupt and will do anything to please Lee Kuan Yew's political ends.

In Fricker's case, Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew has a difficult problem. On the one hand you have Singapore's masses, the drivers the cooks and the office boys. Lee Kuan Yew has no interest in these people, whom he believes have to be kept perpetually submissive and afraid of him, which is how he runs the island, through fear. These ordinary men and women, whom Lee Kuan Yew has called "digits", about whom he has no respect at all, have been successfully subdued,cowered and silenced. Even if Lee had a law requiring their nails to be pulled out, they can do nothing.

On the other hand you have the foreigners, specifically the important ones from the West who run large companies in Singapore. Fricker is of this group. Unlike his local Singaporean "digits" of taxi drivers and delivery boys, it matters to Lee Kuan Yew what they think of him and his tin pot island. A lot depends on his image and reputation. Lee Kuan Yew wants the world to believe that it has the rule of law, and it is a democracy, clearly something which Singapore is not. Singapore's image abroad will determine how much investment it gets and how many tourists come. If it is seen as a repressive dictatorship, which it is, Singapore will tend to lose out in these vital areas.

Caning (beating) Fricker may have serious adverse consequences for Singapore. Caning is considered torture and a punishment unacceptable in the West. Singapore will begin to get a bad name in these quarters, investments will drop, tourists arrivals will fall and Singapore will become a joke, if it is not already one.

In 1994, an American teenager Michael Fay was caned for graffiti. That decision was clearly a mistake, from which consequence Singapore has not still completely recovered. Lee Kuan Yew today does not want to make the same mistake with

Lee Kuuan Yew classic opera requires that the message should be sent. And that message was sent by the lower court judge ordering 3 strokes of the cane. Since the message has already been sent, there is no real harm in the higher appeal court reversing the caning. In the end the point has been made.

My reading of Lee Kuan Yew's very cunning but truly silly head tells me that in this day and age, 2010, he knows it would be very unwise to beat Fricker. It would have disastrous consequences.

So here comes the "Law Drama" starring Oliver Fricker and produced and directed by Lee Kuan Yew, and Singaporean judges in supporting roles.

While Oliver Fricker is in jail, as he is now, his lawyer, in consultation with a collaborating physician in Singapore will produce a false medical report on Fricker stating that he has had a serious back injury which he got as a child. The doctor will also recommend that Fricker should not be beaten as the pre-existing injury will aggravate into a serious one, resulting in his becoming a paraplegic.

His lawyer will quickly show this important piece of "medical discovery" to Lee Kuan Yew's friend who doubles as the judge in the High Court. Immediately the judge will agree that it is indeed unwise to beat Fricker under these circumstances. However he will conclude that 5 months prison sentence is manifestly low, Fricker being an incorrigible criminal has cut wire fences, entered no go areas, painted trains and done other bad things. Therefore the sentence is increased to 9 months. Fricker will stay a little longer in jail, he will not be beaten and everyone will be happy.

"Law Drama" starring Oliver Fricker will end, the curtains will fall and he goes home.

Hopefully, minus the caning for the foreigner, foreign business will continue to flow and the tourists will still come in.

Had he been a Singaporean unimportant local, the canings will not be five, it would be 10, and if the stupid unimportant Singaporean appealed, it would be increased to 20.

This is how good old Harry Lee Kuan Yew Singapore tin pot tyrant runs the place. And he does not care 2 hoots what you local Singapore taxi drivers think.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Singapore. Living in fear weakens the spirit.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my last blog "Singapore's top criminal lawyer defends beating (caning) as a punishment", I wrote about Singapore's Subhas Anandan, whom the Singapore population consider their best lawyer; yet he will not defend any opposition politician. His disgraceful words by which he has been known goes something like this "I will defend anyone including murderers, rapists, even terrorists. But please don't ask me to defend political dissidents" (Singapore Lee Kuan Yew's political opponents.

Anyone who knows Singapore will tell you the reason why he will not defend (Lee's) political dissidents. If he does, Lee Kuan Yew will abuse the law, go after him with false charges, his career will be ruined and he will end up in jail. Not wanting that to happen, in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, this so-called top Singapore criminal lawyer, out of fear for Lee Kuan Yew and to advance his legal career, denies representation to opposition politicians.

A lawyer such as this who denies representation to his fellow citizens like Dr. Chee Soon Juan should be ashamed of himself. He would in any other country in the world. Indeed, it would even be considered unethical for a lawyer to refuse the defence of those in need. Yet in the warped Singaporean logic, even though he would be considered a coward and a bad lawyer in any other country; he is, in lee Kuan Yew's Singapore, considered the best. In Singapore, cowardice such as this, is not something bad, it is a virtue, and a normal sensible respectable way to survive.

Imagine Subhas Anandan's wife, she too would very probably be just a coward like him. And what will she teach her children in Singapore, of course to become cowards just like his father.

Fear of Lee Kuan Yew and what he will do to you if you contradict him, has been so ingrained into the Singaporean psyche so much so that it is no longer shameful to be living in fear. It become an acceptable way of life, in fact, it is considered the only sensible way to survive in Singapore.

As a result you see the shameful actions of these people.

Subhas Anadan refuses to defend Singapore's political opponents of Lee Kuan Yew. The Law Society President, Sydney Michael Hwang, makes no complaint when the Singapore Constitution is violated so much so that even a one man peaceful protest becomes illegal. Everyone is very happy to read the Straits Times even though they know it is nothing more than propaganda. Sydney Michael Hwang, tells his children to be just like him and earn a living in the same disgraceful way.

Lee Kuan Yew's entire civil service, a bunch of cowardly yes men do exactly what Lee Kuan Yew orders however wrong. They go home and tell their children to be exactly like them, simply cowards.

And day in and day out we hear of Singapore's so called accomplishments. They have acquired a tin mine in Mali West Africa. Keppel ship works is running the port in Colombo. Singapore airlines has set up an office in Timbuktu. Tumasek has acquired a hotel in Cairo. But really will all this activity do any good for any real Singaporean? Firstly if there are anyone running any of this, they are all foreigners anyway; no benefit to Singaporeans. And in any case, the profits of all this go directly into Lee Kuan Yew and his family and son's pockets, not to any Singaporeans.

And while all this activity worldwide in the name of Singapore Inc goes on, Singaporeans continue to live in fear, refuse to have any babies and the few who are able to see the ruse, pack up and leave.

And what is left are these unqualified ignorant dummies and the cowards like Subhas Anandan who is afraid to defend a single one of Lee Kuan Yew's political opponents.

This Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore with lawyers like Subhas Anandan is a laughable country. Despite the glorious stories daily in the state controlled press, it is not a country that is capable of going anywhere.

I tell you, Singapore continues to decline fast, fast becoming another bankrupt Nauru of the Pacific, whose phosphate had run out.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Singapore's top criminal lawyer defends beating (caning) as a punishment

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The recent top news in Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew's island which he governs under his grip is the impending beating (caning, according to the Singapore lexicon) of a Swiss man, Oliver Fricker for drawing graffiti on a Singapore train.

In Singapore, which is a one party state, run by Lee Kuan Yew who has held power since 1959 and recently with his son, who he has not too long ago appointed Prime Minister; among other weird laws such as criminalizing the import of chewing gum, requires anyone guilty of drawing graffiti on private or public property to be beaten, literally beaten with a stick (the term for it in Singapore is caning), a unimaginably brutal form of punishment, that leaves the victim permanently crippled, scarred and deformed for life.

One would be surprised that such form of brutality, more befitting the most primitive and cruel spots in the world; to hear that of all places in the world, it is practiced in Singapore, a country which derived it's laws originally from England.

But Singapore as we all know is really not a democracy at all. It is a country run by one man, Lee Kuan Yew, with a Parliament totally and entirely loyal to him, enabling him to do anything he wants, and in this case, he wants to beat people as a form of punishment, and no one can challenge him in his island.

And not surprisingly in Lee Kuan Yew's island, Singapore's top criminal lawyer Subhas Anandan, top because he is seen as someone whom Lee Kuan Yew approves; has weighed in on the issue of beating criminals accused of drawing graffiti.

This is what he said in an interview on TV recently in Singapore which was broadcast around the world in all the world's languages. You can see it here: (New Tang Dynasty Television)

"Our country will have to be ........... We have to do what is good for our country and the system says that we need hanging as a punishment, we need caning as a punishment, so it does not matter what UN says, but we have to do, what we have to do to protect our own society".

The funny thing about this statement is that he makes no attempt to explain why, it is necessary to beat people to protect society, or why is Singapore so unique that it's society can be protected only by beating their citizens. Neither does he explain why all the other countries in the world can protect their citizens without resorting to such barbarity except for Singapore.

Had it been a layman who had said this, it could be disregarded for ignorance, but this statement is not coming from a layman; it is coming from the government titled, foremost criminal lawyer in Singapore.

Anyone who does not know Singapore would perhaps be surprised at the total ignorance in criminal jurisprudence in a man held out as Singapore's top criminal lawyer.

No it is not ignorance at all that makes Subhas Anandan say these ridiculous remarks, it is self preservation; it is the need to stay within the good books of Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew; because as long as this man utters such quintessentially politically correct Singaporean statements for the public consumption, he ingratiates himself further to his master, who will continue to shower favors and the rewards that is crucial for his success in Singapore.

The Attorney's nice words pleases Lee Kuan Yew, which would support the government's decision in ordering it's courts to beat the victim Oliver Fricker. After all, Lee Kuan Yew's government can say that even Singapore's top criminal lawyer wants Oliver Fricker to be beaten. Very convenient.

But the loser in the end is in fact Singapore, not Oliver Fricker. The video of this Singapore lawyer defending this brutality and mocking the United Nations message on the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, has been translated into every known language in the world, and is being watched today in London, Paris, Rome and Montreal and everywhere else. Thanks to Subhas Anandan, the world is reminded one more time of the lack of rule of law in that island, simply a tin pot dictatorship.

And I suppose this will result in even less tourism, fewer foreign students, fewer businesses and more emigration from the island.

Singapore, thanks to Lee Kuan Yew's lawyer Subhas Anadan, would drop a few more rungs in the freedom indices of international organizations around the world. But then, Subhas Anandan does not care one bit what anyone else thinks. Perhaps Singapore is best suited for the likes of Subhas Anandan and his family, who cherish their life among fellow citizens who have either died from hanging or brutally beaten.

It may not be the sort of country for other normal everyday people who are disgusted at the thought of beating people as a form of punishment.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Singapore. Is the clock still ticking

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Of course, I am referring to 88 year old Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's super strongman, who has continued to rule since 1959, who pays himself, his family and friends millions of dollars openly and several more millions under the table, who will sue you even if you as much as coughed, and who surrounds himself with bootlickers whose only job is to make sure that he is kept on his seat.

Not too long ago, when I had caused a stir over there by my hoax that he suffered a heart attack, we were immediately informed by the Prime Ministers office that despite his age of 88 years, he was fine and had gone to London. Up till today most really doubt whether he in fact went to London or for that matter anywhere else, because contrary to the island dictatorship's usual practice, we were never told why or when he had gone, and neither were we shown any pictures in their state controlled newspapers. My guess is that he was there all along, and the lie about London was to ally the fears many had that indeed he had breathed his last breath.

Lee Kuan Yew's government, you see, is fully aware, like everyone else, that Singapore unfortunately depends on just one man, himself, and once he is gone, Singapore, as we know, will also be gone like him. That is why we see the immediate response, once my hoax was published, from the Prime Minister's Office about him and about the Singapore stock market.

You will recall the utter chaos in the island immediately resultant on the hoax, the stock market momentarily dipped although it immediately picked up once I had revealed it to be a hoax, many had or were in the process of selling their shares, people were planning to leave the island, and although I do not have first hand knowledge of this, Singapore Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean who abuses the law to please Mr. Lee nearly had a heart attack herself, in her case because of her fear of what will happen to her if Lee, her patron and benefactor, is gone.

Well, we have not seen him for some time. Is he still alive, or is he sleeping long hours as men of his age do before they die, or is he, as I had remarked in my hoax, really in hospital?

None of these questions are irrelevant since the man, no matter which way you want to look at it, is 88 years old anyway. And what is more he is walking around with a pacemaker with an iodine battery in it.

Since everything that goes on in the island, including everything that his minister of Law K Shanmugam says, depends on this man alone, I can assure you that Singapore will change overnight when he kicks the bucket. I expect mass demonstrations, even revolution; his son might flee the country; the stock market will collapse for good; mass exodus of people and money out of the country; and Judge Belinda Ang Sew Ean in the first plane out to Nanking China.

I truly believe, with Lee's impending demise Singapore will collapse overnight. His son is incapable of doing anything.

That is why I ask, where is Lee Kuan Yew. His clock has begun to tick and will soon stop.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Singapore. Orchard Road under water city.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After large sections of Singapore particularly the Orchard Road shopping area was underwater in record floods on June 16, 2010 after torrential rainfall, the Singapore authorities conveniently blamed some blockage in drains according to the government owned news agency the Straits Times in a story that day, headed "What causes flash floods".

In fact any elementary student of the phenomenon of global warming which is severely impacting Singapore knows this excuse is simply false.

The increased heat in the island atmosphere, caused by global warming and a blanket of concrete jam packed high rise buildings in the island, means the air holds much more water vapour than it otherwise did, causing torrential massive downpours of rainwater in a few minutes or hours, which previously was not the case, making it's quick displacement difficult.

Second, in tandem, the highly heated sea water which surrounds Singapore causes it's volume to expand resulting in even higher sea level rises with sea water further encroaching inland.

This means, in times when the coastal tides are high, with corresponding heavy rain, which by the way is going to become more frequent, no matter what the authorities do, this will not solve the problem of having to discharge the water into the sea. In fact during these times, the flow of water is the other way round, from the sea into the island.

With the entire island only a few feet above water, and especially the commercial and shopping area built especially in low lying areas, I am afraid there is nothing Lee Kuan Yew and his million dollar ministers can do.

One should ask them why they did not think of this in their mad scramble of building construction on the island; a classic instance of an intolerant one party state who think only they know best.

Unfortunately, it is simply too late. You can expect more of these water sports days, for want of a better description, in downtown Singapore on a regular basis, and not freak occurrence once in 50 years as the Singaporean state controlled press would like us to believe.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Singapore, Fascist one party state.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state owned and controlled official government mouthpiece, the newspaper Straits Times, online edition of June 13, 2010 has the story "Grassroots activity rewarded". The title is slightly misleading. It should have read "Pro Lee Kuan Yew grassroots activity rewarded".

It says the Peoples Association, (which is a branch of the Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew's Peoples Action Party, which has been governing the one party state island for the last 50 years), will reward those who take part in it's grassroots activities, by being eligible for better chances in a state lottery. Actually what they meant to say was, handsomely rewarded in their jobs, careers, and in every which way you can imagine.

Although it is already well understood by Singaporeans that to succeed in the the one party state, you have to be recognized as a supporter of Lee Kuan Yew's political party, the PAP, this official notification in the state controlled newspaper makes it publicly official.

Which is why every promotion, recognition and increments in wages and salaries (bribes and corruption) goes only to those who are known supporters and activists of the PAP, while those who refuse to participate, and worse, publicly oppose the ruling party stand to be sued and suffer other terrible things.

You can see the beneficiaries and victims of Lee's, now official policy of rewarding supporters and punishing it's opponents.

Consider the case of the recently appointed Tamil Minister of Law K Shanmugam. As a life long member of Lee Kuan Yew's PAP, for many years he worked hard at showing his loyalty to his master. He willingly sued Lee Kuan Yew's opponents, regardless of whether there was any merit in these actions; he was prepared to call the late JB Jeyaretnam a liar and anything else Lee wanted; he would have licked Lee Kuan Yew's boots if that was demanded.

Around 1988, after the Privy Council had declared JB Jeyaretnam innocent of any wrong doing, to please Lee Kuan Yew he wrote a long legal treatise in which he in effect said that the English Law Lords, the highest judges in England were all wrong, and that he was right because JB Jeyaretnam was thoroughly guilty according to him.

After doing this sort of dirty work, selling his soul to the devil, naturally Lee Kuan Yew is very pleased, and in return he makes him a Minister.

This shameful existence goes for each one of the Singaporean ministers, every one of them willing to curse their own mothers if that meant pleasing Lee Kuan Yew resulting in career prospects thereafter.

And it is the same for every other normal Singaporean that you see. They all know, of course, not being stupid, which side the bread is buttered. So the average Singaporean makes a bee line to the offices of the Singapore Peoples Association or any other organ of the People's Action Party to register their membership. This fact is immediately made known to the government department or private company that he or she works in; with his or her enthusiasm and hard work keenly monitored by Lee Kuan yew and the government.

When a lot of hard work for these organizations is put in, and leadership promise shown, they not only are rewarded in their jobs with higher salaries, they might even be selected for high office as Lee Kuan Yew's ministers.

On the other hand, those who are silly enough, or courageous enough, depending on which way you look at it, to oppose have the butt end of the stick. For instance, Dr. Chee Soon Juan, the foremost critic of Lee Kuan Yew was fired from his job as professor and sued several times over. Evey single publicly known member of his political party has suffered one way or the other. For instance, none of them hold a government job or even a good job, either running their small businesses, supported by their spouses, or else eking out a living one way or another. There is clearly a price to pay for opposing Lee Kuan Yew in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore.

Singapore now has the classic elements of a one party fascist state. In Mussolini's Italy, you needed to be a member of the Fascist Party to even get a job. Men used to publicly announce with pride, fascist party membership and there was a witch hunt against non party Italians. People were afraid to criticise the government for fear that the walls have ears. A people who lived consumed with fear, always ever ready to sing praises for the dictator because without it, there is no survival.

Although it was always so, Lee Kuan Yew has now publicly come out and said exactly that.

Which is why I ask the question, is this how you want to live your lives? Is there any honor in it? And if not, is it worth it, for you and your children? Would you rather live slavish craven lives in return for 3 meals a day, or would you rather say it as it is, come Hell or high water. At least you can walk with your head high on your shoulders. These are questions that I have asked and answered. I wonder what you think of it.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew's son, the Prime Minister speaks to pre-university students.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state owned and controlled newspaper the Straits Times online edition of June 1, 2010 has the story "Remember your obligations". He was speaking to graduating High School students, telling them to remember their obligations to society by either joining the one party dictatorship's Government Service Sector or do charity work.

By this, he was implying that as the state has given them an education, it was only just for them to repay the community.

But really is this all correct? Has his father, Lee Kuan Yew really done something good for these students, or has he in fact damaged their minds by turning them into cowardly servile robots, only capable of blindly following Lee Kuan Yew's orders?

Education, we would all agree is meant to open the minds of students, enabling them to think openly and fearlessly for what is right and the courage to execute it. But if this was in fact what education was meant to be, these students have not been educated at all; they have been brainwashed into submission and complete obedience to authority. Singapore has in fact damaged their minds, resulting in fact in their being handicapped in any other society other than Singapore.

The Singapore government has caused these students by years of indoctrination to become consumed in fear, unable to think openly and act upon their ideas. For instance, every single one of these High School students is fully aware that in Singapore there is no freedom of speech, no human rights whatsoever. Had these students been in any other country, they would have protested against this denial of rights a long time ago, and held nationwide protests to demand them.

Yet, these Singapore students have no courage to do any of that, thanks to Lee Kuan Yew style education which has turned every single one of these people into literally robots, only capable of obeying orders but incapable of having any opinions about anything.

If these students are aware of how much Lee Kuan Yew and his son have damaged their minds, they would would be so enraged as to tell both father and son to stop this immediately. But no, these students did not have anything to say. As expected of Lee Kuan Yew's students, they knew no better, quietly listened to the son's speech and went home to their HDB government apartments, to another day of the same old boring, submissive, uncomplaining existence.

No, these students did not have an education. What they have had in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore is a brainwashing.

Those whose minds have been damaged beyond redemption, will perhaps stay behind and join Lee Kuan Yew's government service as his son desires. Others who are still able to realise the harm that is being done to them, would in all probability pack up and leave Singapore permanently.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Singapore's ever willing Sydney Michael Hwang, Singapore Law Society President

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My last post "Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew's children" of June 11, 2010, was about how in Singapore there is a unique (in fact Singapore has officially adopted the name "Uniquely Singapore)understanding that to survive you have to show absolute loyalty to Lee Kuan Yew who calls himself the father of Singapore; and in return he will take care of you, like a father would to a faithful son.

The catch of course is that no matter how corrupt or how badly he treats Singaporeans (his children) they, as traditional Asian children are expected to behave, are prohibited from complaining.

It is well known, for instance, that Lee Kuan Yew is corrupt paying himself, and his family members, millions of Singaporeans tax payers dollars but yet Singaporeans are not allowed to complain at all, even though the money that he steals is theirs.

A classic example of such servile or cowardly, as one may call it, Singaporean behavior can be seen in the case of Sydney Michael Hwang, the President of the Singapore Law Society.

Despite his western name, Sydney is not a European or a Westerner. He is very much a regular Singaporean ethnic Chinese; an older man in his late 70s or 80s, who has spent all his life in Singapore practicing Lee Kuan Yew's version of law.

I wonder why Singaporeans, especially the Chinese, have such a great desire to adopt Western names, but that of course, is beside the point.

From his bio data, it appears that he was educated in either Oxford or Cambridge University in England, but from what he has achieved as a lawyer, all that Western education has not done him or the state of the law in Singapore much good.

One glaring fact which perhaps would explain a lot about the state of the law in Singapore, of whose professional body, Sydney is the President, is that Singapore today with a population of nearly 5 million people only has about 3,000 lawyers, a number totally inadequate for a city state that claims to to be primarily engaged in international business and banking.

Being someone who was born and lived in Singapore, I can tell you that the only reason for this totally inadequate number is because the law has been thoroughly discredited in the public eye both in Singapore and abroad.

A student of Singapore's history would note that Lee Kuan Yew throughout his 50 years of control over Singapore has routinely and systematically misused the law as a political tool to silence dissent, that any and all respect for it has been irretrievably lost.

Singapore judges are seen publicly as corrupt, such as Judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean who awards a defamation action to Lee Kuan Yew against Dr. Chee Soon Juan, the most vocal political critic there even without a trial, deciding the case privately in her chambers.

As a result it seems almost impossible to attract any honest decent student to the profession which has been disgraced beyond help.

If one was looking for a guardian of the Constitution and the rule of law, one would of course be primarily looking at the President of the Law Society of Singapore, this man Sydney. But yet, in the Singaporean fashion of not questioning government authority and complete loyalty to the Singaporean father Lee Kuan Yew, Sydney does nothing at all.

He, just as all the other past handpicked Presidents of the Singaporean body of lawyers, simply stands by and does nothing at all, as the law is abused and misused by Lee Kuan Yew to keep himself and his family in power.

Today, the Constitution of Singapore which is supposed to be the Supreme law of the law is adulterated so much so that it is no longer recognizable, having become a tool principally to put anyone in jail who dares challenge the Lee Kuan Yew family.

For instance, there is no freedom of speech, no freedom of expression, no freedom of assembly, no freedom to organize oneself into societies, no freedom to walk in numbers along public streets, no freedom of the press, in other words no freedom at all; freedoms which one would expect in any other democratic country in the world.

And while Lee Kuan Yew systematically denies the very semblance of a citizens' rights in that island, what does the President of that Law Society do, a person who is charged with the responsibility not only to defend his lawyers but the laws of it's citizens; nothing, absolutely nothing.

According to the laws enacted by the rubber stamp one party state of Singapore, the law prohibits the Law Society of Singapore from questioning legislation unless the government specifically allows it. And since, and this is Sydney's argument, the Singapore parliament disallows him to question legislation, he does not bother to do it.

It of course does not occur to him, or he refuses to acknowledge it, that the Singapore parliament itself is unconstitutional, since there has never been any free and fair elections in that island throughout it's 50 year history under Lee Kuan Yew.

Like a disgraceful opportunist, looking out only for himself, and fawning at the feet of the Singaporean tyrant, since that is the safest way of survival in the island, Sydney Michael Hwang continues to call himself the president of the Singapore Law Society but does nothing at all to protect it.

You could say, he behaves like an Asian filial, or cowardly, son to his father Singaporean strongman Lee Kuan Yew. And in return like a caring father Lee Kuan Yew showers Sydney Michael Hwang, with goodies and goodies.

If you want to ask him what he is doing, his particulars are:

Michael Hwang
One Marina Boulevard, #25-01
Singapore 018989
Tel: 65-6327 5855
Fax: 65-6557 0165

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew's children

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One could describe the political system in the one party state of Singapore this way.

We could describe Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore strongman as the father, and all Singaporeans his children.

Just as in Asian societies, a child has to obey his father, Singaporeans are required to obey Lee Kuan Yew and his laws, in return for which, he, as the father, would provide and care for his children.

He will provide you jobs by attracting foreign companies, he will give you safety through his police force, and he will build the schools to educate your children; the education doubling as a brainwashing.

So far so good, if you like to live this way, but not so good if you are a thinking questioning sort of person.

There are many things glaringly wrong with Father Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore. To take a few examples, he pays himself and each of his family and friends several millions of dollars which he claims as a salary, but in truth it is theft; he refuses to allow anyone else to govern Singapore by jailing his opponents and rigging the elections; he controls all the newspapers and brainwashes school children by feeding them daily with propaganda, thereby distorting history to make himself look good. This tends to ruin the minds of the citizens, turning them into unquestioning robots who obey his every command.

Lee Kuan Yew expects his citizens or rather his children, to accept all this without question, however objectionable, without complaint, in return for which, he gives you and your children a sort of livelihood, which means you won't starve, but neither can you expect to be rich either. On the other hand, if you happen to be one of the few in Singapore who refuses to accept this abuse of power, you would have no place in Singapore.

If you were stupid enough to openly criticize the Father, you will suffer greatly, such as loss of jobs, demotion in your career, even prosecution, defamation actions, impoverishment and even imprisonment.

For survival in Singapore, the trick likes in deliberately closing your mind to any of this misuse of power; and if you can do that and if you are an otherwise law abiding quiet unobtrusive, unassuming person, you can live out you life in Singapore protected and provided by the father of the people, none other than Lee Kuan Yew.

In other words, if you are like the standard Lee Kuan Yew model, the quiet obedient unopinionated unquestioning Singaporean, you are best suited for life in Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore. On the other hand if you are an opinionated questioning troublesome individual, always demanding his rights and refusing to be Lee Kuan Yew's yes-sir man, life can become very miserable.

And this robot-like existence which Lee Kuan Yew has managed to slowly and successfully cultivate in his children, the Singaporeans, naturally turns away the best in society forcing them to either emigrate to other countries or simply withdraw from participation in Lee Kuan Yew's social plan altogether.

Those who stay are either those, lacking confidence and courage, who do not think themselves capable of survival without Lee Kuan Yew's patronage and protection, or those who are purely opportunists who see a profit in supporting Lee Kuan Yew and those who have no eduction or the capacity to understand that Lee Kuan Yew is taking their minds to the laundry.

This unquestioning obedience cuts across the entire spectrum of the population in the island, regardless of social standing. Every lawyer that you come across refuses to have any discussion on issues such as the denial of human rights such as free speech or expression and the other violations of the Constitution, involving themselves only in what they are working on at any moment of time.

A business lawyer would only concern himself with his work and nothing else. A criminal lawyer would only be dealing with the issues of guilt or innocence, but nothing about the lack of a jury, the cruelty of the punishments, and the lack of legal representation at interrogations, or anything else whcih may offend Lee Kuan Yew.

If you came across a medical doctor, he would claim to know nothing about human rights at all, or give you some other excuse to avoid the question. An accountant would know nothing about anything else other than his accounting, a government clerk would claim that he is disallowed by law from talking politics, and a taxi driver would claim that he has a government directive not to talk to passengers about these things.

Many people would calim never to have heard of Dr. Chee Soon Juan, a Singapore opposition politician, although he is almost daily defamed in Lee Kuan Yew's state controlled newspapers, and others who would admit to know him would parrot the government line that he is a thief, a confrontational person or any other abuse that Lee Kuan Yew would care to throw at him. Running down Dr. Chee Soon Juan is of course the safest course of action for the majority of Singaporeans because that is the government line, and it is always safest to tow that line.

What you have in the end in Singapore, is an entire population, regardless of their maturity sophistication or education, who have managed either deliberately or through Lee Kuan Yew's brainwashing to have only one opinion, that is to have no opinion at all about anything, except an opinion approved by Lee Kuan Yew's government.

Contrary to what the government puts out daily in it's state controlled press, the vast majority of Singaporeans live hand to mouth since government taxes, housing rent and levies takes away most of what they earn, forcing them never to be able to retire.

There are of course a few at the top, just as what you have in Cuba, North Korea and China who earn millions. This is why, although the government regularly claims that their GDP has gone up, for the average Singaporean, it is a life of poverty or just hovering above it.

Most Singaporeans, understandably in these conditions, where they have no say whatsoever on the running of their country, unless it is in praise of the rulers, switch their minds completely from thinking of anything except their daily livelihood; they don't appear to have any sense of deep loyalty to their country or any desire to excel in their professions.

Singaporeans are on the whole a boring uninteresting people who go about their lives in an uninteresting manner careful every minute that they have not said or done anything outside the government line.

With more and more people realising what the government is doing to their minds and that of their children, increasing numbers continue to emigrate. To replace them, the government brings in large numbers of Chinese from Communist China who are particularly suited to his unquestioning lifestyle.

With a second rate people such as this, it can only mean a progressive decline in Singapore's competitiveness and the island being eventually an island complete with a robot like yes-sir men who are capable only of blindly doing Lee Kuan Yew's bidding, at any moment of time.

It is not a country for parents who desire to bring up children with independent minds, capable of thinking outside the Lee Kuan Yew box, pushing their capabilities and ideas to the limit, without fear of the self assumed father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Abby Sunderland is found alive and well

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A Qantas aircraft commissioned to locate Abbey Sunderland, the 16 year old round the world solo sailor who was feared lost in the Southern Oceans has found her and made radio contact with her. She is fine, her boat is upright and she has enough food. She will be shortly rescued by ships heading out to her.

This is excellent news. Thank God for that. Now it is 12.02 am Friday morning, California time.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Abby Sunderland in some trouble

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Abby Sunderland, the very brave 16 year old California girl who was attempting to circumnavigate the world solo in her sailboat, Wild Eyes, has got into some trouble. Her present location was 2000 miles east of Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, when at 5 am Thursday California time her family lost satellite phone contact with her and an hour later she manually activated 2 emergency satellite alarm systems, one of which is on her boat and the other on her, either in a life raft or on her.

From her last contact, she was battling very harsh conditions, 30foot waves and 60 knot winds. At this time of year in the Southern Ocean, you can even expect 100 knot winds. It is not known if she was washed overboard, whether her boat has turned turtle or whether she is in a life raft.

Qantas of Australia has agreed to fly an aircraft over the location and several boats nearby have been diverted to her location but it will take 40 to 48 hours for the nearest boats to get to her. The sea water temperature is between 50 to 55 Fahrenheit, not warm but warm enough to keep her alive.

You could go to and as well as all news agencies who are keeping up this story.

My bet is that she is fine. A very brave girl indeed.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whether Singapore will give Swiss graffiti artist a beating.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore has got away handsomely so far with their brutality in routinely beating their people (Singapore's term is caning) so far, as long as it is inflicted on their own helpless citizens, with the exception of one foreigner American Michael Fay in 1994.

Treating their own citizens worse than animals, (even animals are not allowed to be beaten), beating and hanging them even for petty crimes in Lee Kuan Yew's one party state is the normal way of life.

Singaporeans are defenceless in a legal system where they have no say at all, and where the outside world rarely ever finds out what brutality goes on there.

However treating foreigners this way, especially those from the Western world is a little more tricky.

Oliver Fricker is one such case.

He was recently arrested for drawing graffiti on a Singapore train. Oliver Fricker however is not Singaporean. He is a Swiss national. And what is more, he is a very important person, none other than a Senior Financial Consultant.

For the offence of vandalism in the Singapore one party legal system, the law requires Fricker not only to jailed but also brutally beaten until his buttocks are flayed in a mess of blood and flesh. Singapore and the Islamic Republic of Iran among others are the few countries that still resort to such barbarity under the name of the law.

Hundreds of thousands of Singaporeans have already been subjected to this barbarity but since they are helpless in Lee Kuan Yew's one party state, their voices are not heard and they continue to suffer in silence.

But Fricker is not a helpless Singaporean under the yoke of Lee Kuan Yew.

If Singapore beats Fricker, especially an important person from a Western country, Singapore would have to pay a price. After the beating Fricker would go to town with his story, and people in the rest of the world who have not yet heard of Lee Kuan Yew's excesses in that tiny island will hear of it the first time.

Singapore's desperate attempt to paint it as a democracy will suffer yet another blow. Tourism will go down, foreign students will drop. Investments will drop. And Singapore will feature as a regular topic on all the comedy shows on America TV.

Beating Fricker will end up being much more pain than letting him go.

So here's the game plan, which Singapore uses every time when they find themselves in this sort of a quandary.

Fricker under his Singaporean lawyers instructions, of course from orders from the Lee Kuan Yew government itself, would claim that he has a preexisting back injury which would be aggravated if he is to be beaten. The judge would immediately accept this medical excuse as a reason to spare Fricker of the beating. Instead of both jail and the beating, Fricker would only serve a short time in jail, which would be suspended. After which Fricker would go home, with Lee Kuan Yew hoping that he would not make an issue of it hereafter.

I bet on it, Fricker would walk away with such leniency, all because he is a Swiss citizen. Had he been a regular Singaporean, the ordinary guy, whom Lee Kuan Yew refers to as his "digits" it would of course be another story.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Singapore. A defence for Oliver Fricker, the brave Swiss graffiti artist.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Other than the dubious honor that Singapore has the fewest lawyers in relation to population for any country in the world, a mere 3000 for a population of nearly 5 million, it has also earned the disgraceful notoriety, that, no Singaporean lawyer would dare question the legality of it's laws when defending his client, for fear of attracting the wrath of Singaporean strongman Lee Kuan Yew.

Strangely enough in that island, unlike every other country in the world, if there was one profession in Singapore who fear Lee Kuan Yew the most, it is the lawyers.

Oliver Fricker, the Swiss man who had tagged a Singapore subway train would not find a single lawyer in Singapore who would dare to raise the defenses that he would be raising had he been in any other country.

Here is what he, or his lawyer should say.

1. These laws that require a long prison sentence and state sanctioned torture (the beatings) is null and void and without legal basis. The Singapore Parliament that produced this law is itself illegal and without any legal force, because it is simply a rubber stamp and not truly representative of the people. Elections in Singapore are a farce and the entire parliament is a hand picked body of people who are there merely to rubber stamp anything that Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore strongman wants. Since the Parliament itself is without legal force, any law made by it is itself without any legal basis and therefore null and void.

2. The Constitution protects free speech. This tag which is a pure work of art, is clearly an expression of free speech and therefore protected.

3. Singapore's judges are corrupt and beholden to the Singapore government. Examples are Lee Kuan Yew's judge Belinda Ang Saw Ean who fines Dr. Chee Soon Juan, a political dissident, several hundreds of thousands of dollars on a defamation case that lee Kuan Yew brings against him without even giving him a trial. She decided the case privately in her chambers and disallowed Dr. Chee Soon Juan to say anything in his defense. Another example is Lee Kuan Yew's kangaroo judge Judith Prakash who sends 3 men to jail merely because they wore Tshirts with pictures of kangaroos somewhere near the Singapore courts. She has since come to be known as the Kangaroo judge.

With judges like these who are no longer administering the law but Lee's dictates, it is impossible for him to receive a fair trial.

4. Singapore's legal system is corrupt and therefore Fricker is unlikely ever to get a fair trial. This has been confirmed by the International Bar Association's recent 72 page report which equates Singapore's legal system to that of North Korea, Sudan, Eritrea and Burma, countries that use the legal system as a political tool to destroy it's opponents.

5. The long prison sentences and the beatings (canings, in Singapore lexicon) are both cruel and unusual punishment and therefore void and of no effect. This fact has been clearly stated in both the United Nations conventions and treaties of which Singapore claims to be a member. It is unacceptable for domestic law to be at such variance and completely opposite of the usual norms of human decency and tolerance as is to be reasonably expected of human beings.

6. Mr. Fricker must make it known to the Singapore court that if he is to be beaten and imprisoned, he will publicise this brutality and illegality by writing a book and showing his butt of flesh and blood in UTube for the world to see. In shaming Singapore internationally, he will work for the introduction of democracy into Singapore where it is at present lacking. In this exercise, Lee Kuan Yew and his Singapore would stand to lose much more than Fricker ever would.

It is in Singapore's interest, especially at this time where it's reputation in the world has descended to the nadir, for it to consider carefully these barbaric actions, fit for the Middle Ages and not the 21st Century.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.

Singapore. Resistence to your own government as opposed to a foreign enemy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is an excellent book recently published "Alone in Berlin" by Hans Fallada, about a Berlin couple who resist Hitler's Nazis, are eventually discovered by the Gestapo and put to death.

Even though the brutality and injustice of Adolf Hitler was so blatant and visible, yet there were not more than perhaps 12,000 people in the city of Berlin and 50,0000 in the whole of Germany who resisted, a relatively small number in hindsight. Yet we see that there were many times that number who resisted German occupation of their countries, the French resistance for instance which ran into several millions.

Which begs the question, why do you have much more willing to resist a foreign occupier while at the same time there is a dearth of activists against their own repressive governments.

Consider Singapore. Singapore is an island where it's leader Lee Kuan Yew pays himself and his family each, millions of dollars which he calls salary but which is in fact corruption. It has a corrupt judiciary which the government uses as a tool for repression. It does not have a free press. Any form of public protest is illegal. There is blatant nepotism with Lee Kuan Yew appointing his son as the prime Minister. All these things are totally unacceptable. Yet there is no mass resistance to this government.

The answer to this question I believe, is that when the government appears to have the support of a select few of it's cronies who are paid unimaginably large salaries, and you have a mass of uneducated clerks who do not resist because they are unaware of their rights, it becomes difficult for the other section of society to resist because they would in effect be going against many of their own people who support the government.

Resistance becomes much easier when you have a foreign enemy occupying your country since you therefore have only one single force whom everyone is united against, and where collaboration with the enemy is easily shown as traitorous and disloyal.

On the other hand Hitler was able to show, despite his evil against the Jews and other minorities, that he was doing some good for the German people, like building the autobahn, strengthening the economy and creating jobs.

I suppose this is where one sees the similarity between Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore and Hitler's Germany, both governments which did not see much resistance from their own people. In Singapore despite the destruction of every single pillar of civil society such as the rule of law, Lee Kuan Yew can still boast that he managed to build the subway and the tall skyscrapers that skirt the shoreline, just as Adolf Hitler could boast of making Germany the most powerful European economic power between the years 1933 to 1939.

But one thing is certain. Even without the war destroying Hitler, Nazi Germany would have collapsed sooner or later. The pillars of Government such as the rule of law, necessary for a government to last was simply absent. It is the same with Singapore.

Lee Kuan Yew's government just as Adolf Hitler's Nazis, will eventually collapse too. It too does not have the foundation for a lasting government because it does not have the rule of law, no free press, no independent judiciary. For Singapore too, it is only a matter of time.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Singapore. A heartfelt thanks to the Swiss graffiti artist, Oliver Fricker.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore's state owned and controlled propaganda newspaper, the Straits Times online edition of June 06, 2010 has this story "Swiss national charged". It is the story of a Swiss man, Oliver Fricker, 32, who had cut through wire mesh fences in a train depot in Singapore and tagged graffiti on a train in the words "McKoy Banos".

He has been arrested by the police in the one party city state, run by Lee Kuan Yew and his son.

The offense of tagging graffiti, in Singapore called "vandalism" carries not only a jail sentence under it's draconian laws, but also "beating",(a form of legal punishment in Singapore called "caning") where the victim is stripped naked, strapped to a trestle and brutally beaten on his buttocks until they bleed and is turned into a soggy mess of flesh and blood.

The resulting severe scarring of the body results in permanent disfigurement, which is untreatable even with surgery.

As many as half the population of Singapore have been subjected to this hideous form of brutality but Singapore has so far resisted any calls to do away with it, on the grounds that it prevents crime. A similar argument is advanced by the Saudi Arabian government to justify the chopping off of limbs and the beheading of criminals.

This brutality of beating prisoners was a punishment introduced by the British colonial rulers of Singapore in the early 20th century, the purpose principally being to discourage the writing of slogans on walls calling for Independence, for example "Down with the British".

Although both unacceptable and immoral, still such barbarity was commonplace in the earlier days of civilization where men were burnt on the stake for sacrilege and apostasy.

But Singapore's retaining such brutality as official punishment and at the same time claiming it to be a modern first world country shows the shameless blatant hypocrisy of the dictator of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew and his one party government.

Oliver Ficker who is a Swiss business consultant and a Singapore resident, I am sure, was and is fully aware of the consequences of his actions, which is that if arrested he not only stands to be imprisoned, but also stands to be brutally beaten.

But yet he did it. And that is why he deserves our heartfelt thanks admiration and respect for his courage and his admirable sense of civic duty for his actions in exposing to the world the unjust brutal laws of this tin pot dictatorship.

Oliver Fricker, despite knowing the harsh punishment that awaits him, was telling this Singaporean tyrant Lee Kuan Yew that he was going ahead and writing what he wanted on the train thereby challenging the Singapore authorities to arrest him and beat him.

If Singapore did in fact jail him and beat him, this would become overnight international news of a Swiss national being beaten in Singapore for merely writing graffiti.

In no other country in the world, except perhaps North Korea or Burma would a man be beaten and jailed merely for tagging graffiti.

By jailing and beating him, Fricker would be doing the cause of freedom in Singapore a truly great service by once again showing the world what brutality and injustice lies beneath the veneer of respectability that this government tries to show the rest of the world.

It would turn out highly embarrassing for Singapore to be depicted once again as an intolerant one party fascist state that only manages to remain in power by brutalizing its people.

Remember, in the past, Michael Fay, an American was beaten in such manner also for tagging.

On the other hand, if Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew decides to let Frick escape the beating, the observer can clearly see that they are feeling the heat of their stupidity and are now seen as backing off.

Whether or not Lee Kuan Yew's government instructs his judges to order the beating (in Singapore the judiciary is not independent and is required to carry out the government's orders) or to let him go, Fricker wins either way. If he is beaten, he will be able to tell the world of the brutality and the lack of rule of law. If he is let off, it is a victory not only for Fricker but the cause of freedom in Singapore, by forcing them to admit that they were wrong.

I am sure Fricker on his part really prefers that he is beaten, since that would cause much more damage to this fascist Lee Kuan Yew government.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

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