Sunday, March 14, 2010

Passport counter closed! A rush to get out of Singapore?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore official government state controlled newspaper the Straits Times online edition of Mar 13, 2010 has the troubling story "Passport service on hold".

This state controlled newspaper says "In an unprecedented move, the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has suspended over the counter passport applications".

Now passports will only be available by mail. The staff at the Department can no longer handle this unprecedented huge demand for Singapore passports. Simply too many Singaporeans need to get out of Singapore and they want to leave immediately.

This government newspaper says "the move is due to an overwhelming surge in customers".

The report does not give any reasons for this "overwhelming surge in (Singapore passports)" but surely one can guess.

The truth is, Singaporeans simply want out.

They want to get out of Singapore permanently with their families and live in Western countries like Australia.

And they want to do it now. Can anyone blame them?

My blog post of March 6, 2010 intended as a hoax on the heart attack of the Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew attracted an unprecedented large number of responses.

In fact I believe the entire island city state, entirely dependent on this 87 year old man with one foot in his grave, were for the first time, through my false blog post, rudely reminded of the calamitous consequences on them of his death.

For the first time, they knew that if the old Dear Leader were to go, their Singapore dollar will lose it's value, foreign companies will leave the island, Singaporeans with money will export it elsewhere, there will be massive unemployment, the stock market will collapse and that will be the end of the ordinary Singaporean family.

It will be none other than Doomsday.

And my blog post of March 6, 2010 for the first time, made that painfully clear.

It was an excellent shock therapy for showing Singaporeans they will surely be utterly ruined if the Singapore strongman were to die, which he will very soon, since he is a very very old man, senile weak in body and spirit.

In hindsight, I managed to do tremendous good by confronting Singaporeans with this dire reality which they are living under everyday, like a ticking time bomb.

And then suddenly, we have this report from Singapore's state controlled newspaper the Straits Times that the passport office is closed for counter services because far too many people want to apply for passports.

Had it been any other time, this sudden need for travel out of Singapore would seem strange. It is true, school holidays come at this time, but never has the surge in passport applications been so great as to have to close counter passport services.

I think the truth is already before us. We know, just as this government has admitted, the ever mounting flood of immigration out of the island city state has become unstoppable; because people are not happy with the misuse of the law, not happy with the control of the press, not happy over the denial of free speech and expression, not happy over the routine jailing of Dr. Chee Soon Juan for public speaking, not happy over sending Gopalan Nair to jail, not happy over Admiral Lui Tuck Yew referring to Gopalan Nair as "contemptuous" because he wrote a false blog post on Lee Kuan Yew's "massive heart attack".

But now, with Gopalan Nair's false blog of March 06, 2010 of "Lee Kuan Yew and his massive heart attack" which caused a massive scare throughout the island, Singaporeans are no longer confident in this government.

After reading Gopalan Nair's blog post, they are now certain the entire country will indeed collapse and disintegrate with the death of their 87 year old Dear Leader which is really round the corner.

Therefore they are desperately trying to leave the island as quickly as possible, which I think resulted in this unbearable rush for Singapore passports.

I think the writing is in the wall. With the 87 year old Dear Leader Lee Kuan Yew's death, Singapore will collapse. Banking will collapse. The currency will collapse. Your assets will collapse.

Of course, I would like you to stay in Singapore to fight this regime for democracy, but if I just said that I would not be honest.

The truth is it is no longer safe neither for you or your children in the present circumstances in this island being run by this 87 year old despot.

If you were far sighted, you cannot escape leaving Singapore now, just as those who are now rushing for Singapore passports.

As you know the entire island city state of Singapore read my bog post of March 6, 2010, especially Lee Kuan Yew and his government who went through it word for word.

They are angry at me for having said it. As you know I merely said the truth.

Gopalan Nair
39737 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite A1
Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Tel: 510 657 6107
Fax: 510 657 6914

Your letters are welcome. We reserve the right to publish your letters. Please Email your letters to And if you like what I write, please tell your friends. You will be helping democracy by distributing this widely. This blog not only gives information, it dispels government propaganda put out by this dictatorial regime.


ed said...

Have you ever considered the possibility that more people just want to have a holiday.

Do you actually think that singaporeans, grossly underdeveloped by Confucianism, can actually fair well in more egalitarian and intelligent climes? No, they would prefer to be in the land of the blind so as to perpetuate the self-serving illusion that they are well-sighted for want of popular insight. I doubt most would want to migrate and be proven to be quite incapable - unless they have enough money to set up a business on their own that is.

Kiwi said...

Singaporeans eyeing New Zealand

SINGAPORE: It is often said Singaporeans are in demand by other countries. And if figures from a pilot project by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) are anything to go by, Singaporeans are just as interested.

INZ’s pilot project, launched on January 15, seeks to attract specifically working Singaporean holidaymakers and students. Nearly 80 per cent of the 5,687 registrants by last week are Singaporeans.

According to a spokesperson, INZ does not have information on Singaporeans going to New Zealand "as a direct result of this pilot", but the numbers will be evaluated over the next few months.

She said Singapore was chosen because of "long—standing and friendly" relations between the two countries, as well as "close political and economic ties".

Research found Singaporeans a "good demographic match" for the campaign, say, in terms of language and education levels, she added. Singaporeans also have a "strong tradition of studying overseas".

Sociologist Tan Ern Ser said INZ "may be attempting to attract Singaporeans to try living and working in New Zealand first, before considering a more long—term arrangement".

He noted that targeting holidaymakers allows for "more flexibility" and contributes to the economy. "Local New Zealanders may see skilled migrants as a threat to their jobs," he added.

Two weeks ago, Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng told Parliament that New Zealand and Australia are targeting Singaporeans "because we are honest and hardworking".

Professor Tan feels that countries could be attracted to the "Singaporean brand" because Singaporeans are thought of as "diligent", "efficient", "well—trained" and have a good command of English.

However, while skill shortages continue to exist within segments of the Australian labour market, Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship in Canberra said it is "not looking to Singapore in particular for recruits".

"Australia is open to skilled migrants but is now operating a more tightly targeted programme," it said. Recent changes to the skilled migration programme include giving processing priority to employer and state sponsored migrants.

Between 2008 and 2009, 2,703 of Australia’s 171,318 immigrants were Singaporeans.

According to the British High Commission Singapore, the United Kingdom also has no programmes aimed at attracting specifically Singaporeans.

The High Commission, however, noted a "relatively small but significant" Singaporean community in the UK.

This includes fashion designer Ashley Isham and pianist Melvyn Tan.

Last year, 3,525 Singaporean students set off to study Higher Education courses in the UK. The "vast majority" return to Singapore, said the High Commission.

Management trainee Geline Lim, 21, is one who intends to pursue her postgraduate studies in New Zealand.

She said it is "less stressful" there, and there is "more freedom and time" to pursue things outside of study. Her parents have already migrated there because of the "more laid—back lifestyle, better air, scenery and government welfare schemes", she added.

Anonymous said...

singaporeans travel a lot but they are not suitable for migration.

lets look at singapore's nearest western democratic country, the aussie immigration stats show a high return rate for singaporeans migrating to australia, close to 80%

they get shock at the chaos and debate going on in canberra, but they fail to see the various govt and community services offered to the people - that singaporeans cannot get in singapore.

the reason is simple, they need the nanny to think for; to plan for; to feed them. they need an absolute safe controlled environment to live in, just like my pet dog.

hang on lee kuan yew, singaporeans will not let you die, at your last breath, they will stuff you up with embalming wax and create a mausoleum around you.
the pap govt will create a new role for you, called minister post-mortal. salary $5million to be diverted from department store dummies' cpf.

Anonymous said...

Dear Gopalan,

I suspect it has got to do with closing the loophole with dual-nationality Singaporeans appearing at ICA counters to renew their passports.

Those renewing passports with non-Singapore return addresses will need to fill up a questionnaire with difficult questions about their current nationality and whether they intend to return to SINKapore.